JUCE JE IZASAO najnoviji broj NYMag-a koji obelezava 40 godina casopisa. Dok iscekujem da papirno izdanje specijalnom posiljkom doleti do mene, prvo sto sam procitala online je razgovor sa Woody Allenom koji je najnjujorskiji reditelj po mnogima. Eto, i ja jednom da se slazem sa tim "mnogima". Uglavnom, ja BAS ne volim kada njujorkeri pricaju o tome kako Njujork nije ono sto je nekad bio ili kako nije ono sto je bio pre 9/11. Njujork nije mesto koje ostaje isto. Zapravo je verovatno samo pitanje da li se jos uvek menjate kao sto se grad konstantno menja i da li se menjate i istom smeru. Ako Woody Allen kaze da je to toliko veliki metabolizam da svari dogadjaje kao sto je taj i integrise ga u svoj postojanje, ja mu verujem i pre svega se radujem toj konstataciji.
NOTE: nemojte ni da razmisljate da li je previse ocekivano i otrcano - Gersvina morate imati. To je za mene jedan od par opisa osecaja dok se setam po Njujorku. Shhhhh, iako cete morate kupiti neki lep kvalitetni original, evo za pocetak nesto komprimovanog Gersvina ovde.
Procitajte taj intervju, pominju se jako zanimljive stvari. Nisam ni razmisljala o okvirima, okruzenju u kom su nastajali njegovi prvi filmovi komentarima koje je W.A. dobijao kada je sanjario o njujorskom danu u kome odes na filmsku projekciju u 20.40, zatim na neku finu klopu i onda lagano peske do kuce kroz Central Park. Ne zvuci kao previse, ali je to tada bilo neizvodljivo. Za sigurniji zivot u gradu zrtvovano je stosta, ali treba voleti lepo onda i lepo sada i objektivno prepoznavati lose tada i lose sada. Nikakve mistifikacije tu nema, sete za starim danima niti glorifikovanja aktuelnog trenutka. W.A. pravi hronologiju grada kroz razlicita pakovanja, i tako imamo zabelezena mesta koja ponekad nestanu i pre nego sto film izadje.
U ovom trenutku se niotkuda desava pauza, upravo me je zvrcnula Marija, ima pokloncic za mene. Sletim dole, i mimo bilo kakve prethodne price pokloncic je - W.A. Kratak, ali koristan, vodic kroz gradjansku neposlusnost!!! To je ova vrsta magije:
Tek sada, kada je prosla frka oko serije Sex & the City uspevam da je gledam sa uzivanjem i bez pracenja radnje. Poslednji put kad sam gledala, vrisnula sam kada sam u nekom kadru prepoznala na osnovu nekih mikro detalja Stella McCartney radnju u Meat Packing Districtu... ah, kakvo je to iskustvo, preskociti nekoliko grpudvi loja koji se od jutrosnjeg pretovara vuku po ulici, pa preko Diane von Furstenberg i Puma Black, lagano do Stelle... Sumanuto. Uzivancija.
Verujem da je od toga s vremena na vreme potreban odmor i oni koji se hvale da sa ostrva nisu izasli ceo zivot nisu mi bas cisti. W.A. je dobio ponudu da neko vreme provede u Barseloni i tako je nastao njegov najnoviji film Vicky, Christina, Barcelona. Nista vise od toga, pruzila se prilika i on je iskoristio. I kako kaze, bilo je neverovatno, ali ga jos uvek najlepse uspavljuju emergency sirene.
Dok film ne stigne nase malo misto, citajte Puko bezvlasce. Cak je i korica lepa, a prelom nije nepodnosljiv... Evo, upravo vidim da novosadski Solaris priprema jos dve knjige - Nuspojave i Sad smo kvit! Jupiiiiiii!
THE LATEST NYMag issue came out yesterday celebrating magazine's 40th b-day. While awaitnig for printed version to fly to me by special order, the first article I read online was the conversation with Woody Allen, a guy generally taken for the NewYorkiest movie maker of all. One of the very rare situations I go with the flow. Generally, I REALLY frown upon those NewYorkers talking like the City is not what it used to be, and furthermore, that the City's not what it was before 9/11. Of course it isn't. New York is not the kind of place that stays the same. It's only a matter of you changing along. Or in the same direction as the City. If W.A. says that this is such a great metabolism that absorbed 9/11 and integrated it in it's existance, I believe him and I'm so happy for that.
see Manhattan opening scene
NOTE: don't even think if this is too obvious or corny - you simply have to have Gershwin. For me, his music is one of few precise illustration of what it feels like to wander thhrough the City. Even though you should buy a nice high quality sounding CD, don't tell anyone, but here's some of compressed Gershwin for you.
Be sure to read this interview, there's a million of incredible things to learn. I never thouth about some things, the moment these movies were made, the comments W.A. faced, about how his movies were romanticized version of New York, him dreaming of things such as going to the movie at 8:40p.m. then to eat smthng round the corner and then walk your way home through Central Park. It was simply not possible at that time. There are things sacrificed for the safety, but you should see all things good and bad now and then. W.A. makes a constant NYC chronicles catching the traces of the City that often dissapear before the movie gets to the theaters.
At this point, a break happens out of nowhere. I just got a call from Marija, she's got little something for me. I go downstairs, and out of the blue, a present for me is - Woody Allen's Without Feathers!!! Now how about that! It's this kind of magic:
see Everyone Says I Love You dancing scene
And now, after all the Sex & the City fuss is finished, I manage to enjoy watching it and not following the plot. The last time I say an episode I literally jumped from joy when in tiny details I recognised Stella McCartney Meat Packing District store. Oh, what an experience is that... jumping over fat blobs left laying around the street from that morning's shipments... and across from Diane von Furstenberg and Puma Black, easily walk to Stella... Crazy. Joy.
I'm sure its' different when you're not turist. I firmly believe you need to get a rest from all that after a while, and I can't really get those people braggin' how they haven't stepped the foot out of the Island for their whole lives. So W.A. got an offer to spend some time in Barcelona, and he took it. So that how his latest movie Vicky Christina Barcelona was made. Nothing more, he got an opportunity, and he took it. And, as he says, it was incredible, but the best lullaby are still New York's emergency sirens.
see Vicky Christina Barcelona Trailer
Until the movie gets to our little city of Belgrade, I'm reading Mere Anarchy recently published in Serbia. The translation is pretty good. Not at all stiff.