30. 9. 2008.

NYMag turns 40, etc.

The first and the latest NYMag issue

JUCE JE IZASAO najnoviji broj NYMag-a koji obelezava 40 godina casopisa. Dok iscekujem da papirno izdanje specijalnom posiljkom doleti do mene, prvo sto sam procitala online je razgovor sa Woody Allenom koji je najnjujorskiji reditelj po mnogima. Eto, i ja jednom da se slazem sa tim "mnogima". Uglavnom, ja BAS ne volim kada njujorkeri pricaju o tome kako Njujork nije ono sto je nekad bio ili kako nije ono sto je bio pre 9/11. Njujork nije mesto koje ostaje isto. Zapravo je verovatno samo pitanje da li se jos uvek menjate kao sto se grad konstantno menja i da li se menjate i istom smeru. Ako Woody Allen kaze da je to toliko veliki metabolizam da svari dogadjaje kao sto je taj i integrise ga u svoj postojanje, ja mu verujem i pre svega se radujem toj konstataciji.

NOTE: nemojte ni da razmisljate da li je previse ocekivano i otrcano - Gersvina morate imati. To je za mene jedan od par opisa osecaja dok se setam po Njujorku. Shhhhh, iako cete morate kupiti neki lep kvalitetni original, evo za pocetak nesto komprimovanog Gersvina ovde.

Procitajte taj intervju, pominju se jako zanimljive stvari. Nisam ni razmisljala o okvirima, okruzenju u kom su nastajali njegovi prvi filmovi komentarima koje je W.A. dobijao kada je sanjario o njujorskom danu u kome odes na filmsku projekciju u 20.40, zatim na neku finu klopu i onda lagano peske do kuce kroz Central Park. Ne zvuci kao previse, ali je to tada bilo neizvodljivo. Za sigurniji zivot u gradu zrtvovano je stosta, ali treba voleti lepo onda i lepo sada i objektivno prepoznavati lose tada i lose sada. Nikakve mistifikacije tu nema, sete za starim danima niti glorifikovanja aktuelnog trenutka. W.A. pravi hronologiju grada kroz razlicita pakovanja, i tako imamo zabelezena mesta koja ponekad nestanu i pre nego sto film izadje.

U ovom trenutku se niotkuda desava pauza, upravo me je zvrcnula Marija, ima pokloncic za mene. Sletim dole, i mimo bilo kakve prethodne price pokloncic je - W.A. Kratak, ali koristan, vodic kroz gradjansku neposlusnost!!! To je ova vrsta magije:

Tek sada, kada je prosla frka oko serije Sex & the City uspevam da je gledam sa uzivanjem i bez pracenja radnje. Poslednji put kad sam gledala, vrisnula sam kada sam u nekom kadru prepoznala na osnovu nekih mikro detalja Stella McCartney radnju u Meat Packing Districtu... ah, kakvo je to iskustvo, preskociti nekoliko grpudvi loja koji se od jutrosnjeg pretovara vuku po ulici, pa preko Diane von Furstenberg i Puma Black, lagano do Stelle... Sumanuto. Uzivancija.

Verujem da je od toga s vremena na vreme potreban odmor i oni koji se hvale da sa ostrva nisu izasli ceo zivot nisu mi bas cisti. W.A. je dobio ponudu da neko vreme provede u Barseloni i tako je nastao njegov najnoviji film Vicky, Christina, Barcelona. Nista vise od toga, pruzila se prilika i on je iskoristio. I kako kaze, bilo je neverovatno, ali ga jos uvek najlepse uspavljuju emergency sirene.

Dok film ne stigne nase malo misto, citajte Puko bezvlasce. Cak je i korica lepa, a prelom nije nepodnosljiv... Evo, upravo vidim da novosadski Solaris priprema jos dve knjige - Nuspojave i Sad smo kvit! Jupiiiiiii!

THE LATEST NYMag issue came out yesterday celebrating magazine's 40th b-day. While awaitnig for printed version to fly to me by special order, the first article I read online was the conversation with Woody Allen, a guy generally taken for the NewYorkiest movie maker of all. One of the very rare situations I go with the flow. Generally, I REALLY frown upon those NewYorkers talking like the City is not what it used to be, and furthermore, that the City's not what it was before 9/11. Of course it isn't. New York is not the kind of place that stays the same. It's only a matter of you changing along. Or in the same direction as the City. If W.A. says that this is such a great metabolism that absorbed 9/11 and integrated it in it's existance, I believe him and I'm so happy for that.

see Manhattan opening scene

NOTE: don't even think if this is too obvious or corny - you simply have to have Gershwin. For me, his music is one of few precise illustration of what it feels like to wander thhrough the City. Even though you should buy a nice high quality sounding CD, don't tell anyone, but here's some of compressed Gershwin for you.

Be sure to read this interview, there's a million of incredible things to learn. I never thouth about some things, the moment these movies were made, the comments W.A. faced, about how his movies were romanticized version of New York, him dreaming of things such as going to the movie at 8:40p.m. then to eat smthng round the corner and then walk your way home through Central Park. It was simply not possible at that time. There are things sacrificed for the safety, but you should see all things good and bad now and then. W.A. makes a constant NYC chronicles catching the traces of the City that often dissapear before the movie gets to the theaters.

At this point, a break happens out of nowhere. I just got a call from Marija, she's got little something for me. I go downstairs, and out of the blue, a present for me is - Woody Allen's Without Feathers!!! Now how about that! It's this kind of magic:

see Everyone Says I Love You dancing scene

And now, after all the Sex & the City fuss is finished, I manage to enjoy watching it and not following the plot. The last time I say an episode I literally jumped from joy when in tiny details I recognised Stella McCartney Meat Packing District store. Oh, what an experience is that... jumping over fat blobs left laying around the street from that morning's shipments... and across from Diane von Furstenberg and Puma Black, easily walk to Stella... Crazy. Joy.

I'm sure its' different when you're not turist. I firmly believe you need to get a rest from all that after a while, and I can't really get those people braggin' how they haven't stepped the foot out of the Island for their whole lives. So W.A. got an offer to spend some time in Barcelona, and he took it. So that how his latest movie Vicky Christina Barcelona was made. Nothing more, he got an opportunity, and he took it. And, as he says, it was incredible, but the best lullaby are still New York's emergency sirens.

see Vicky Christina Barcelona Trailer

Until the movie gets to our little city of Belgrade, I'm reading Mere Anarchy recently published in Serbia. The translation is pretty good. Not at all stiff.

29. 9. 2008.

Petricic je u Beogradu!

I EVO, SAMO sto sam ga juce pomenula, stize mi pozivnica za otvaranje izlozbe Dusana Petricica u MPU! Valjda su mi se te intuitivne putanje jos vise izostrile i profinile od kad sam joga ticer hehe...

JUST WHEN I mentioned in my previous post, I recieved the invitation for Dusan Petricic's exhibition opening! I guess my intuition got sharper and even more subtile since I became yoga teacher ^ _ ^

28. 9. 2008.


SKADARLIJA vec neko vreme nije ono sto pricaju da je nekad bila. Ni glumci nisu sada ono sto su tada bili, ni slikari, pa ni boemska ulica ne moze biti ista. I to je u redu. Samo kada bi se sve menjalo sa stilom... Cini mi se da su ovo poslednji tragovi nestajuceg logoa kafane "Dva bela goluba". Nova basta opkrojena je nekakvim panoima sa nesto modernizovanim pticama i groooooznim slovima, onim jednim ruznim fontom kome ne zelim ni ime da znam ispisano je ime kafane. Uz-stampu-besplatno-dobijate-dizajn situacija, kladim se...

Ne znam ko je radio ovaj originalni logo, ali on u sebi ima cudnu gomilicu meni dragih stvari: zvezde nalik Egziperijevim, golubove slicne onima koji se nalaze na jednoj od cestitki koju smo primili povodom mog rodjenja i jednoj od samo dve koje je mama uramila, i slova koja su lepa cirilicna bez ikakvih ruznih prizvuka, malo ucenicka fino i tendenciozno pomalo naivno ispisana, kao sto to radi Petricic... Ah da, uskoro ce njegova velika izlozba u Muzeju primenjene umetnosti! Jedva cekam.

Dva bela goluba sa srcastim okicama u zlatnoj verziji na braon ofarbanim poljima u kojima jos uvek mogu da uzivaju ljudi na autobuskoj stanici na vrhu Skadarlije.

SKADARLIJA, Belgrade's bohemian quarter is not what they're telling us it used to be for some time now. The actors and the painters are not the same also so it's kinda natural to change... If only these transitions happened in style... It appears these are some of the last marks of the original logo of the "Dva bela goluba" ("Two White Doves") tavern. There's new open terrace surrounded fully branded with the new "improved" logo. And oh my god it's so ugly it makes me so sad. A bit modernized birds vectorized and stiff and this ugly ugly font they used to type in the name of the place... Free-design-if-you-print-with-us arrangement, I bet...

I've no idea who made the original one you can see on these two images. It is so adorable, has this strange kind of innocence and a gathered bunch of things dear to me: Exupéry-like stars, doves like those on a note we recieved when I was born and one of two my mom framed, letters nice cyrillic ones, a bit first-grade-like, a bit naively written on purpose, just like Petricic does it... Oh yes, his exhibition will soon be held in Museum of Applied Art here in Belgrade. Can't wait.

The second image: Two white doves with heart shaped eyes in gold, painted on the tavern's corner brown metal plates below windows. You can still enjoy looking at them while waiting for the bus at the bus stop at the top of Skadarska Street.

27. 9. 2008.


NEW YORK (AFP) — Paul Newman, known for his piercing blue eyes, boyish good looks and stellar performances in scores of hit Hollywood movies, has died, ...

photo © Thomas D. Mangelsen

I AM Yoga Instructor!!!

DANAS SAM POLOZILA zavrsni ispit za instruktora joge. To znaci da postajem sertifikovani instruktor koji moze da okupi svoju grupu i krene sa samostalnim radom. Protekle dve godine nisu bile zezanje. Ozbiljno sam se bacila u kostac sa sobom, kad se u to upetljas zapravo kreces od pocetka. I evo, sada sam prohodala. Osecam se otprilike ovako:

TODAY I passed the final exam to become yoga instructor. This means I'm about to be a certified yoga instructor ready to gather a new group of people and start working with them. The last two years weren't exactly piece of cake. I dug into wrestling with myself, and when you get into this you have to start at the very begining. So, as of today, I started walking in baby steps and it feels something like this.

25. 9. 2008.

BLOSSOM and other Dearies

SVI ONI GODISNJACI, knjige koje prikazuju godisnju produkciju iz neke od oblasti grafickog dizajna ili odredjene teritorije, meni zapravo nisu uopste insiprativne. Cini mi se da ih dizajneri koriste kao staku za hitne slucajeve. Ne volim ni da ih kupujem, ni da ih imam u kuci. Pogledam ih jednom i onda mi skupljaju prasinu. Prave inspirisuce knjige ne daju gotova resenja. Samim tim, knjiga koja te dizajnerski unapredjuje uopste ne mora da bude iz oblasti dizajna, i ako gledamo dalje, ne mora uopste da bude knjiga. Za sad cu ce zadrzati na kolekciji starih jazz ploca, ali moze se ici i mnogo dalje, naravno.

Dakle, jazz omoti, narocito iz 60-ih i narocito kuce BlueNote su uvek uzivanje i punjenje baterija. Svaki put ih drugacije pregrupisem u glavi. Ovoga puta dve kolekcije. Prva je - zenska. Bilo da su prisutne kao izvodjaci ili kao ilustracija/inspiracija (sve je divno), one zajedno cine masu pravog zenskog osecaja koji cete jos prezicnije osetiti kad ih stavimo naspram muskog dinamicne, burne i bucne atmosfere na jazz omotima. Uskoro.

ALL THOSE ANNUALS, books collecting yearly graphic design production in specific design areas as teritories, are actually not inspiring at all. It seems like designers use them as a cruch for design emergency situations. I don't like buying or keeping them in my home. I browse through them once and they're left collecting dust on the shelf. True inspirational books don't come with solutions. Therefore, the book that boost your design brain doesn't necessarilly have to be deisgn book, and furthermore, doesn't have to be book at all. I'll stick to old jazz record covers collection this time, but you can surely go much further, clearly.

So, jazz record covers, especially those dating back in the 60's, and especially those keeping BlueNote records are always true joy and recharge. I regroup them in my head differently every time. This time, two collections, the first one to present to you - gals. They could be here for different reasons - they are performers, illustration to music or inspiration, everything being wonderful, and they make a mass of truly womanly feeling to these records. This can be much more clear when we put them along with guy covers - dynamic, loud and noisy in atmosphere. Fanstastic as well and completely different. Soon.

24. 9. 2008.

Clear, Cloudy, Mushy

IAKO ZVUCI kao vremenska prognoza, ovo je opis varijacija tecnog agregatnog stanja moje drage sokovne armije. Sada kada se pojavio i Nar+Jabuka imam cudnovatu kombinaciju za svako raspolozenje, bilo da mi je u glavi bisto, mutno ili kasasto. Iskoristila bih ovu priliku da apelujem na Nektar da poboljsa distribuciju i pokrivenost grada Nektar bebicama, istim ovim sokovima u pakovanjima od 0,5 l. Jes' da imaju secera, ali su neodoljive.

THOUGH IT SOUNDS like a weather forecast, these are the variations in liquid state of matter of my dear juice squad. Now, with the latest addition, Pomegranate+Apple, I have a quirky combo for every state of mind - clear, cloudy or mushy. I'd like to take this opportunity to make a public appeal to Nectar, please boost your distribution and city coverage with those half-a-liter babies of these. Even though there's some sugar added to these, they're irresistable.

23. 9. 2008.

Palette: KITTY


OVE BLOG STVARI su prilicno girly, dragi dnevnice, beleske, uredjivanje nekog prostorcica. Pa, upravo kao petljanje po kuci.

Danas sam se nasla u nebranom grozdju kada sam shvatila da me kupovina za kucu, Merkur, UradiSam & Beyond, mnogo vise raduje nego takmicenje u divljackom kopanju po odeci u trznim centrima. Skoro sam se slicno zbunila kada sam shvatila da velicine odece za koje sam mislila da mi pashu uopste nisu za mene iako mi se gabariti nisu promenili ili dana kada sam shvatila da mi ja vise uopste ne volim rolke. Ali o tome drugom prilikom.

Da se vratim na kupovinu za kucu, dodjes u neke prostrane hale, gde uglavnom muski tiho, strpljivo i skoncentrisano bistre i pazljivo biraju srafove. I ostale fenomenalno zanimljive stvari. (U prethodnoj recenici nema cinizma) Druga strana kupovine za kucu su pufnaste i pamucne stvari - peskiri i posteljine. Tu drugu home shopping stranu moje licnosti savrseno opisuje ova slika. Adorable-retro-kitchy-minxy-perked vidi-kako-sam-slatka raspolozenje. Samo bez rolke. To su one zenske koje se usplahire kada od komsinice nauce novi nacin za savijanje salveta. Mislim, da ne preterujem, nisam bas dotle dosla, ne raspilavljujem se tek tako na sitne fluffy zivotinje... samo na odredjene, evo mjauce u hodniku jedna mikro macka... kahk, da se vratim na poentu, ne padam ja generalno na te fore, ali ovo je cudesno drazesno. Plus mali obrt sa crvenim karminom. Ali nista tacky. Pre classic. U mojim okvirima, barem.

THESE BLOG THINGS are pretty girly, dear diary, notes on thoughts, making a space look nice. Well, something like taking care of home.

I was shocked when today I found that I prefer shopping for home than fighting for clothes in shopping malls. So call me crazy. I was similarily stunned when some time ago I found that the size of clothes I thought fitted me for a long time is actually not right for me even though my weight didn't change. Or when one day I realized that I don't enjoy turtlenecks anymore. But more on that some other time.

To get back to the point, so you enter these huge stores, high ceilings and all, broad spaces between isles, mainly guys, quietly, patiently and focused on choosing screws or something. And I'm not being cynical. The other side of home shopping is picking fluffy and cottony stuff - bedding and bath stuff. That other side of me is perfectly depicted by this image, old record cover. Adorable-retro-kitchy-minxy-perked look-how-cute-i-am setting. Ditch the turtleneck. These are the wives that get thrilled when a neighbour reveals a new napkin folding pattern. Ok, I'm not THAT deep into it, I'm especially not falling for these baby animals that easy... usually... but here's this tiny little micro kitty miaowing in front of our doors... um... to get back to the point, i'm not falling for that generally but this image is crazy adorable. Plus a red lipstick twist. Nothing tacky, classic i'd say. In my world at least.

22. 9. 2008.

Belgrade Daily

vidi sve Daily fotke na flickru

NEKAKO SE DESI da ti postane fino kod kuce. Nemas vise pundravce u dupetu koji te zavaravaju da je svuda bolje nego gde si ti. Zapravo se na tome radi pa se onda u nekom trenutku desi. Kada pocnes da gledas svoj rodjeni grad kao turista, mnogo je lepo. Iako bih mnogo toga volela da vidim putujuci daleko od kuce, vise ne zavidim Japancima na poklopcima na sahtovima jer sam najzad videla da su i nasi divni.

* ^ _ ^ *


IT HAPPENED somewhere along the road that I came to terms with where I'm from and the city I'm living in and call home. When you do your best all the things pushing you further away from home just disappear at one point and you're good wherever you are. So I'm staring at my own city like a tourist and let me tell you - it feels wonderful. Put aside my wishes to travel far from home and see diferent things, I'm not enviuos for all those lovely manhole covers in Japan because I just found that ours are just as pretty.

* ^ _ ^ *

21. 9. 2008.

Jonathan Richman...!

UPRAVO SLUSAM ovaj najnoviji njegov album Because Her Beauty Is Raw & Wild i to je toliko blesavo i dirljivo... Obavezno kliknite na sliku za zum. Inace propustate parcice sunca, vazduh, asfalt, muziku i sve te sicusne detalje.

I'M LISTENING to his latest album Because Her Beauty Is Raw & Wild and it is so silly and touching... Zoom in by clicking the picture - don't miss the sun pieces, the air, music,
all the tiny details.

20. 9. 2008.

CHLOÉ's Plushy Blush

DOSLA JESEN, menja se krema za lice. Sa lagane vazdusaste Hauska tekucine prelazim na nesto za hladnije vreme. Testiram tu neku RoC kremicu koja je tako nekako plisana i puderasta... ugodna je toliko da nekako skrene paznju na sebe. Evo i dok pisem osecam se kao da imam lagani puder i narumenjene obrascice. Kao neka Madison Av. damica. Slicno sam se letos osecala kad god bih prsnula L'Occitane Rose Mist... Eto, kakva sam naivcina ostavljam vam sve linkove, valjda necete da mi se zaludite, odlutate i ne vratite se da procitate ovaj post do kraja. Jer najbolje tek dolazi. Hehe.

Uglavnom - stizu mi ovih dana mailovi kojima NYMag proglasava da se nesto novo desilo na polju mode, takozvani Fashion Alerts. I ja se zaista tako osecam kad dobijem u elektronsko sanduce neki modni alarm, potpuno se oduzmem i upadnem u neku rupu u vremenu gledajuci nove kolekcije. Ipak, uspevam posle nekog vremena da se vratim u realno vreme i mesto i pomislim da bi mi u ovom barsunastom mirisu koji mi zuji ko glave vise prijala neka ususkana kolekcija za zimski dan. I eto nas kod Chloé. Da sam inozemka (ne nizozemka, nego inozemka), cerku bih nazvala Chloé. Lovely.

Uglavnom nemam strpljenja za te fashion sajtove zato sto su skoro svi napravljeni u Flashu. A ja BAS ne volim Flash sajtove. Ne mogu posteno da poskidam slike, pa moram da PrintScreen-ujem. Nije da mi je tesko, kad mi ne daju jednostavno, klasicno se zainatim i samo udaram po PrintScreen dugmetu. I tako mukotrpno dodjoh do ove selekcije Chloé kombinacija za jesen i zimu 2008/09.

(¯`·.¸¸.-> See by Chloé Fall 08 <-.¸¸.·´¯)

Ali! Jos sprektakularnija kolekcija i upravo ono sto potkrepljuje moje mirisne senzacije jeste zimska kolekcija sa ogromnim fluffy belim salovima i nekim tough fazonima.

(¯`·.¸¸.-> See by Chloé Winter 08/09 <-.¸¸.·´¯)

Divota... Pa, ako nista drugo, cim budem zasluzila, castim sebe parfemom za ovu sezonu * ^ _ ^ *

IT'S FALL, so it's time to change face cream. I'm making a transition from my dear light and airy Hauschka to something for cold weather. I'm testing this RoC face cream and it's so plushy and blushy... it draws my attention every time how comfy it is. Even as I type I feel like I'm wearing some light face powder and my cheeks are rosy. Like a Madison Av. mademoiselle. It's a feeling similar to this summer's joy of applying L'Occitane's Rose Mist... So this is me being naive giving you all the external links, I hope you're not going to wander off, get lost and never come bacj to finish reading this post. 'Cause the best is yet to come... (Giggle)

To get back to the point, I'm getting these emails from NYMag informing me that something new just happened in the fashion world. These are so called Fashion Alerts. And when I get one of those I feel exactly like that - alerted, totally enchanted and lost, I get into some kind of time warp browsing through latest collections. After a while, I manage to get back to Belgrade, Serbia, where spring collection combos don't ring a bell. My plushy creme's smell buzzes around my head and I come to my senses - I'd rather enjoy a warm and cozy fall/winter collection. So we come to Chloé. If I lived abroad and was a foreigner, I'd call my daughter Chloé. Lovely.

I usually don't have the nerve to browse through fashion designer's websites cause these are most often done in Flash and I can't stand Flash sites. You can't save any pictures and have to PrintScreen all the time. Which is no problem to me especially when someone won't let me have them by making Flash site. So these are some of the favorite Chloé combos for FW08/09.

(¯`·.¸¸.-> See by Chloé Fall 08 <-.¸¸.·´¯)

But! Even more spectacular and the exact right on track to my nose's sensations is this winter's collection with these huge fluffy knitted shawls combined with some tough boyish pieces.

(¯`·.¸¸.-> See by Chloé Winter 08/09 <-.¸¸.·´¯)

Oh, my... Well, if nothing, I'll treat myself with the perfume for this season * ^ _ ^ *

17. 9. 2008.

Logos I ♥: BRIONI

NIJE DOVOLJNO sto zbog ovako brutalnog reza izmedju leta i jeseni uzdisem za morem, nego mi je danas stigao mail od Typotheque koji objavljuje rodjenje novog fonta: Brioni! Za boga miloga! Ostavite me na miru! Jos uvek patim za bonacom u maloj laguni i jelenima kao u snu, maslinama i opuncijama ^ _ ^.

Dizajner fonta Brioni je Nikola Djurek, momak Hrvat koji ozbiljno doprinosti tipografskoj zajednici u raju za slova - Holandiji.

Nego setim se ja mog obozavanog logoa istoimene italijanske robne marke, sto bi rekli.

Logo je 2006. napravila Porchez Typofonderie, verovatno doterala neku staru verziju, ali to nikako da saznam... Taj neprekinuti tok u pisanju je tako skladan i neobicno istovremeno ima neki lagani grafitti touch i deluje 50 godina staro. U skladu sa tim je izvezena i sara koja se vidi na naslovnoj strani sajta koji je vec sto godina u izgradnji i koji uvodnim kolazem od 9 slika savrseno gadja atmosferu kuce. Diiiiivno!

Lista klijentele najstarije italijanske krojacke radionice izgleda u mojoj selekciji ovako: Gary Cooper, Clark Gable, Rock Hudson, Al Pacino, Anthony Quinn, John Wayne, Josip Broz Tito, Kofi Annan, Rudolph Giuliani, Robert Kennedy, Nelson Mandela. Kul. Vrlo.

IT'S NOT ENOUGH making me sighin' over sunny pictures because of this sudden fall brutally cut in, today I recieved an email from Typotheque announcing the birth of the new typeface called: Brioni! For the love of God! Let me be! I'm still dreaming of bonanza in that tiny lagoon and dreamy dears, olives and opuntias ^ _ ^.

Responsible for Brioni type is this young Croatian type designer, Nikola Djurek, making one fair contribution to type community working in his letter heaven station - Holland.

And what crosses my mind is one of the logos I adore, belonging to the famous Italian clothing line, as some would say.

The logo was made by Porchez Typofonderie in 2006. I guess it was some kind of redesign or something, since Bioni exist since 1945, but I have no idea what the logo was like before. This lettering flow is incredible, it has a strange combination of a slight grafitti touch and at the same time looks 50 years old. Going with that flow, this lovely pattern was created, making its shy appearance on the front page of the official site that's been under construction for an eternity. There you can see 9 photos perfectly describing the tone of Brioni. Lovely!

Italy's oldest tailoring firm has the clientele list which, in my selection sound something like this: Gary Cooper, Clark Gable, Rock Hudson, Al Pacino, Anthony Quinn, John Wayne, Josip Broz Tito, Kofi Annan, Rudolph Giuliani, Robert Kennedy, Nelson Mandela. Cool. Very.

16. 9. 2008.


Photo by Joy Smith/Ron Galella Ltd.
JUCE JE IZASAO novi broj NYMag-a. Prica sa naslovne strane je prica o Ronu Galeli, paparacu koji vec decenijama ganja selebritije i koga je Dzeki O. tuzila zbog uhodjenja i gnjavaze, koliko sam shvatila. Covek u pozadini je taj Galeli. Dakle, mozda te mnogo njih saceka ispred kuce, ali samo te Galeli juri po Central Parku. Ovde strpljivo pozira i smesi se, ali fotke nisu uvek zabavne.

S druge strane, Dzeki se smesi i kad je fotografisu na odmoru, u rusticnom eksterijeru sicusnog ostrvca Scorpio pored Lefkade. Izgleda da selebritije ipak ne treba braniti od paparaca...

Anastasselis Polydoros/Gamma via NYTimes

Kad se stavi ovakva tacka, ostaje samo uzdah zbog Grckog sunca, kamene terase sa drvenim stolom sa X nogama i kaskadnog hora bilja u klasicnoj grncariji... I njenog neverovatno jednostavnog i besprekornog outfita sa naslovne strane.


NEW ISSUE of NYMag came out yesterday. Cover story is about Ron Gallela, paparazzo that has been chasing celebrities for decades, and the man who Jackie O. sued for privacy invasion if I picked that up correctly... That's him in the background on the front cover photo. It's clear that there are more than one of them waiting in front of Jackie's place, but he's the only one who will go after her and chasing her through Central Park. She's posing and smiling on this one, but not all photos are not that nice.

On the other hand, Jackie manages to smile even when they're taking her pictures when she's on vacation in a rustic exterior of a tiny isle named Scorpio near Lefkada, Greece. It looks like we don't need to defend celebrities from paparazzos after all...

And after such an conclusion, I'm left with the sigh over beautiful Greek scenery, sun, stone terrace with an X legged wooden table and cascaded choir of plants in classic pottery... And her incredibly simple and impecable outfit from that cover.

14. 9. 2008.

JESEN, zvanicno

VEC CITAVA dva dana kisi k'o iz kabla. Zapravo vise volim da kazem "kisi pse i macke". Vreme je za lagano ususkavanje. Mislim da liste zelja uvek moraju malo da premasuju neke mogucnosti domasaja. Evo prve liste zelja za ugodnu gradsku jesen:

klik 2 zoom & tune to Brandy Alexander, Feist

Red 1:
Stepana torba za laptop, Belkin
Uskoro. Ima jos dve boje, ali mi ova ide uz kisobran. Ovaj ispod. Samo trenutak, nije jos stigao na red.
Torba/ranac u boji Silence, Stella McCartney za LeSportsac
Cela kolekcija je ocaravajuca, uostalom kao i prosla. Ova velicina je odlicna za neki produzeni vikend van grada. Nista necete pogresiti ako se odlucite za boju Bark, mada, sto bi rekle nase drage majke, teza je za odrzavanje... Sa svakom kolekcijom desi se poneko bonus iznenadjenje, ovoga puta uz svaku torbu se dobija divni privezak u obliku jelena.
Sir Franklin - No.4408, MandinkaDesigns
Kakva fora! Reciklirane torbe od muskih odela!

Red 2:
Sky Umbrella, Tibor Kalman, MoMA Store
Klasika. Ovo zelim vec milion godina. Rezervisano vedro parce neba kada je najverovatnije sve ostalo sivo.
Skerry unisex gumenjaci u boji lavande, Tretorn
Proslogodisnja kolekcija. Jos uvek vodootporne, a kostaju mizernih $28. U Americi, doduse... Imaju i novu radnju u Soho-u, negde na uglu W.Broadway i Spring St.
Sal, Marimekko za H&M
Jedna od retkih stvari iz kolekcije za H&M koja mi se dopada, za razliku od samih Marimekko kolekcija. O tome vise uskoro. Ovo je dobar preview. A kako se matchuje sa prethodnim komadima... Divota.

Red 3:
Skype telefon. Pravi drveni, pravi se rucno po porudzbini u Montrealu. 6-8 nedelja. O Hulgeru cete jos slusati od mene.
CoffeCuffs, Bentwood
Drzaci za toplu solju kafe za poneti i narukvice istovremeno. Bjutiful!
DP-758 7" Widescreen Digital Photo Frame, Coby
Pokretne slike u drvenom ramu, za komodu ili zid. Ne moze mnogo bolje od toga. Ne garantujem jos uvek za kvalitet reprodukcije, istrazujem, misljenja su oprecna, znate vec kakvi ljudi znaju da budu...

uz malu pomoc NotCot-a.

FALL, officially.

IT'S BEEN RAINING cats and dogs for two days now. It's time to get cozy and warm. It's my oppinion that wish list should always surpass the objectives in some way. Here's the first wish list for a comfy fall in the city:

1st row:

Quilted laptop carrying case, Belkin
Soon. There are two more colors, but this one matches the umbrella. The one below. Just a sec, not it's turn yet.
Convertible Rucksack in Silence, Stella McCartney for LeSportsac
The entire collection is wonderful, and so was the previous one. This size is perfect for a long weekend out of town. You won't make a mistake if you choose the one in Bark, though, as our dear mothers would notice, that one is too light and tougher to keep clean... Every collection has a bonus surprise, this time with every bag you'll get a wonderful deer pendant.
Sir Franklin - No.4408, MandinkaDesigns
This is crazy geniuos! Recycled bags made of men's suits!

2nd row:
Sky Umbrella, Tibor Kalman, MoMA Store
A classic. I've been wanting this for a million years. Your own peronal piece of clear blue skies when probably everything else is gray.
Skerry unisex rubber boots in Lavender, Tretorn
Last year's collection. Still waterproof, and available at a more than fair price of $28. In USA, though... They have a new flagship store in Soho, somewhere on W.Broadway and Spring St.
Shawl, Marimekko for H&M
One of few items from the collection Marimekko made for H&M, in contrast to Marimekko inhouse collections. Soon, more on this. Take this as a preview. And the way it matches the other pieces presented here... Marvelous.

3rd row:

Skype phone. Wooden, handmade to order in Montreal. In 6-8 weeks. You'll here more on Hulger here.
CoffeCuffs, Bentwood
Hot coffee-cup-to-go holder and bracelet in one. Beautiful!
DP-758 7" Widescreen Digital Photo Frame, Coby
Slideshow in a wooden frame, for a desk or wall. Doesn't get much better than that. I can't guaranty for the display quality yet, I'm looking and I'll get back to you, the oppinions are conflicted, you know how people can be...

with a little help of NotCot

12. 9. 2008.


why this palette? who's Sven? Pythagoras what? read it here.

11. 9. 2008.

It is a BIRD? Is it a SNALE? Is it a WHALE?

PRE NEKI DAN desilo mi se jedno neocekivano devojacko vece. I bilo je lovely. Na stolu su nas sacekali mnogo lepi flajeri za neko muzicko dogadjanje. Crno beli, sa nekom kristalnom planinom u sredini, nesto nalik Apaku. I onda sam ih napala svojom multikolornom hemijskicom koja ide svuda sa mnom za slucaj da naleti ovakva prilika i evo sta je nastalo u polumraku. Ptica, puz i kit. Kamo srece da ih imam jos.

Onda me je sve ovo zajedno podsetilo na legendarni tekstil Svena Markeliusa, svedskog arhitektu koji je '52. dizajnirao a u saradnji sa fabrikom tekstila Ljungbergs i izveo Pitagoru, cudeso koje stoji cak i u zgradi UN u Njujorku.

an unexpected girls night out occured. And it was lovely. There were some rather nice flyers on the table announcing some kind of a concert. Black and white, with some kind of a crystal mountain there in the middle, looking like Apak's work. And then I attacked with a multicolored pen I always carry around in the bag for such occasions, and here's what I made there in the semi dark.

And then it all reminded me of the fabulous legendary Sven Markelius' textile Pythagoras. This Swedish architect designed it in 1952 and
Ljungbergs made it real. It even stands tall in the UN building in NYC.

10. 9. 2008.

NYC 09/2007 : BGD 09/2008



September - A year after

NYC left. BGD right.

photo Igor Orsolic

9. 9. 2008.


ZAHVALJUJUCI La Tartine Gourmande cula sam za Flight of the Conchords. Obozavam ljude koji su mrtvi ozbiljni dok prave nesto urnebesno smesno. Will&Grace su se uvek nesto smejuljili, narocito Grejs ^ _ ^. Sajnfeld takodje... Pa i Prijatelji. Ovi su mrtvi ozbiljni. I igraju sebe. To je hilarious.
Evo svojevrsnog tribute-a Bowie-ju.

La Tartine Gourmande I heard of Flight of the Conchords. I love it when people are dead serious while doing something crazy funny. Will&Grace were always giggling a bit, especially Grace ^ _ ^. Seinfeld, too... Well, Friends also. These guys are dead serious. And they're playing themselves. That's hilarious.
Here's a one of a kind tribute to Bowie.

7. 9. 2008.

Kelis Was Here!

powerful, sexy, calm, girly, tough, loud, lovely, plushy, compact, sexy, stylish, surprised, smiling, kickin' ass. AND SHE WAS HERE!

(Belgrade, August 31st, 2008)

6. 9. 2008.

Generacija '78.

The first spaceman minifigure, released in 1979

KAO STO NIKAKO ne mogu da poverujem da su Sandra Bullock i Brad Pitt prevalili 40-u, potpuno sam se zapanjila kad sam od Wallpaper*-a cula da su Lego ljudici ove godine pune 30!

I ne samo to - na svetu ih ima vise od 4 milijarde, vise od Kineza i Indusa zajedno!

I setim se stare reklamice koju smo 2003. radili za Smart kolektiv. Lego ljudici by Jana Orsolic, pokrenuti by Igor Orsolic.

IT ALWAYS strikes me as impossible when I hear that Sandra Bullock or Brad Pitt are over 40. I was similarily amazed when Wallpaper* spread the info that Lego mini figures are celebrating their 30th b-day this year!

And furthermore, there over 4 billion of them around the globe, more that Chinese and Hindu people put together!

Here's something we did in 2003 for Smart Collective. These Lego people are constructed by Jana Orsolic and put to life by Igor Orsolic.

1. 9. 2008.

Logos I ♥: Vespa

APSOLUTNO JE sarmantan! "Ljubav i moda". Haljine i uzak uzak struk. Vetar u kosi, to je ovo "V". Drazesno slikovit, sa naivno ispovezivanim slovima, nekada jos krhkiji i drazesniji, evoluirao je umesno kao i koncept motorina. Nekadasnji hippy chic je zamenjen danasnjim hip&chic, ali je vazdusasti bezbrizni duh sve vreme tu.

Hmmm... pa dobro ako BAS moram da izaberem, volela bih da imam GTV u boji Siena...
ili Daring Plum!

IT IS ABSOLUTELY charming! Proper dresses and tiny narrow waists. Just like in my dear dear movie. With the wind in hair, that's why "V" is like this. The logo itself is so adorably picturesque, with the letters kind of naively linked, even more fragile and lovely before, it is evolving along with the Vespa concept. What once was hippy chic is now hip&chic, but the breezy spirit is omnipresent all the way through Vespa history.

Well ok, if you REALLY want me to choose, I'd pick GTV in Siena... or Daring Plum!

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