17. 1. 2010.

Scandinavian Sunday Sweets

image via millyskitchen
Posle Scandinavian Saturday Song, another Scandinavian Something Something.

Upravo sam saznala da je ono cudo koje je mama jednom davno donela ponosno kuci sa novobeogradske pijace i napravila nam neke cvetne palacinkice, u stvari tradicionalni skandinavski slatkis - ROSETTE!

Upravo ovako su izgledale i te modle koje je neko nekim cudom ovde napravio, a ovo dole su moje omiljene od 50-ak varijacija iz Sugarcraft kataloga rozeta. Rozete i komplete mozete kupiti cak i preko Amazona.

Teske metalne rozete od livenog aluminijuma debele su oko 1cm. Potapaju se u smesu (kao za palacinke samo guscu) tik do ivice modle. Onda se bucnu lagano u vrelo ulje i saceka se da se odvoje od metala, onda se ostave koliko je potrebno da porumene, pa se okrenu. Kada su gotove, izvade se na papirne ubruse dobro da se ocede, mada ih ni to nece uciniti nista zdravijim ^ _ ^. Ali, maj gad, kakav je to comfort food! Pospe se onda secerom ili prah secerom, negde sam procitala da secer moze da se pomesa sa cimetom. Onda ta mesavina u cediljku pa se posipa onako profi. Kao na ovoj fotki Amande Johnson:

Ako hocete zvanicno uputstvo, evo jednog fenomenalnog, iscupanog iz 50-ak godina starog americkog jednobojnog lifleta:

Plus, podelite masu u par cinijica, pa u svaku od cinijica po nekoliko kapi razlicitih kulinarskih boja, pa onda rozete u par très charmant boja. Za ideje i stajling sam car, samo nikako da se uhvatim varjace ^ _ ^.

After Scandinavian Saturday Song, another Scandinavian Something Something.

I've just found that strange thing mom brought from the market one day and made us some super cute fluffy shaped crepes, was the Scandinavian traditional loveliness called ROSETTE!

This is exactly how those she bought looked like and I still have no idea how come they've been made here in Serbia. There are some of my favorites extracted from Sugarcraft's rosette catalogue. You can buy these even on Amazon.

Heavy aluminum cast tools are about 1cm thick. You dip them in the mixture similar to those you make for crepes, only thicker, and you dip them so they don't drown, then into sizzling hot oil, when they're golden, out on a paper towel, but even this won't make them healthier, just so you know. But my God, they the ultimate comfort food. Then, sprinkle some crystal or powder sugar onto them, or better yet, mix the sugar with some ground cinnamon and then sprinkle. The best way to do that is the way Amanda Johnson is doing it on this dreamy photo: see image

And if you want an official instruction, here's one printed in a single color, some 50 years old. see image

Plus, split the mixture into couple of bowls, the add some culinary colors into each of them, and you'll get the rosettes in a few très charmant colors. I'm very good with the ideas and the styling, but I suck so bad with putting the apron on ^ _ ^.

1 коментар:

  1. omg
    kao da sam i ja to nekad jela, ali ne mogu da tvrdim
    mozda sam sanjala :D
    a ako sam sanjala, ukusno sam sanjala :)


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