21. 1. 2010.

Manners of the Month

Ok, ja se prilicno retko vozim gradskom prevozom. Mozda bih se vozila cesce kada mi ta iskustva ne bi bila tako bolna. Autobusi smrdljivi i bucni, a isti takvi i ljudi. Ne trazim njujorski ili tokijski metro, mada, oni me i jesu malo razmazili.

U nedostatku nekog generalno usvojenog koda ponasanja koji bi se jednostavno sveo na to da ne ugrozavas druge, setim se da TokyoMetro ima tekucu kampanju koja ima za cilj da putovanje javnim prevozom ucini svima sto ugodnijim tako sto ukazuje na primere drustveno neprihvatljivog ponasanja a sve u cilju istrebljenja istog, of kors. Ukratko, nekakav Tokyo Public Transportation Etiquette. Svi dosadasnji plakati su na TokyoMetro sajtu, a evo nekoliko mojih favorita. Ocigledno je primeceno da su goruci problemi tinejdzeri-huligani, samougrozavanje, sirenje, buka, kokodakanje, totalno pijanstvo i - sminkanje.

Jedna od stvari kojih nema ni na jednom od ovih plakata je fotografisanje. Naime, u Tokiju uopste nije ok fotografisati ljude u metrou. Ocigledno je bilo ozbiljnih zloupotreba kada je doslo do toga da na japanskim mobilnim telefonima ne mozete da iskljucite ton koji se cuje pri fotografisanju. Zato su tu blentavi turisti koji nam onda zabeleze ovakve trenutke:

image via reskates

image via shanghaisoundbites. cropped. original is here.

Pa se zbog ove damice setim dalje detalja iz metroa. Mnogo je to smesno, Irena nam prica na srpskom, objasnjava nam nesto o osobi do nas, niko nas nista ne razume. Uglavnom, tamo se u metrou ili spava ili cita. Ako se cita, cita se knjigica uvucena u neprovidnu gumenu koricu, sta ima bilo ko da zna sta citate. Ili - graphic novels. Oni debeli veliki stripovi sto izlaze jednom nedeljno i kostaju svega dva tri dolara. Neocekivano laki i bledunjavo odstampani. To se samo stanca i prolazi sta ima da se gazi crna. A ti crtaci... majko mila koliko oni izginu da iznedre broj, to su stotine stranica dnevno... Procitajte pricu o toj luuudoj industriji na Wired-u.

image Ofer Wolberger, via Wired

OK, I rarely use the public transportation. I might have used it more often if those experiences hadn’t been so painful. The buses are smelly and loud, just as the people. I am not asking for the New York or Tokyo metro, although, they did spoil me a bit.

While lacking some generally accepted code of behavior which would be as simple as not bothering the others, I remembered that TokyoMetro has the campaign running, with the goal to make the travel using public transportation as comfortable for everyone as possible. The campaign does so by pointing out the examples of socially unacceptable behavior and all in the name of its disappearance of course. In short, some kind of Tokyo Public Transportation Etiquette. All the posters made so far are available at TokyoMetro website, and here are some of my favorites. Obviously, it’s been noted that the main issues are teenage-hooligans, self-jeopardizing, taking too much space, noise, babbling, state of absolute drunkenness and – putting the make up on.

One of the things not present on any of these posters is photographing. Namely, it is not at all OK to photograph the people in the metro in Tokyo. Obviously, there must have been some serious abuses if it led to the unavailability of the option to turn off the sound on Japanese mobile phones played when taking a photo. But that’s why we have the silly tourists to capture the moments like this one for us: see images

And due to this little lady, I remembered some more metro-details. It is all very funny, Irena is talking to us in Serbian, explaining something about the person next to us, no one understanding a single word we say. Anyways, over there, in metro you either sleep or read. If you read, you read a little book tucked within an opaque rubber cover, because not everybody needs to know what are you reading. Or – graphic novels. Those thick large comic books published weekly and costing only $2 - $3. Unexpectedly light and printed palely. It is only being multiplied and finished with, no reason to hit the black. And those cartoons… mother of god, how much do they work to get that many out, those are hundreds of pages… Read the story on this craaaazy industry at Wired.

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