16. 1. 2010.

Scandinavian Saturday Song

Dva Norvezanina sa prezimenima Øye and Bøe, od '99. cine bend Kings of Convenience.

Negde sam procitala da su oni kao nekakva savremena verzija Simon&Garfunkel-a i cini mi se da bih se mogla sloziti sa tim poredjenjem. Sigurno znate numeru Sound of Silence.

Muzika Kings of Convenience perfektna je za skandinavsko jutro uz Kulinara posudice. Øye and Bøe pevaju na nekom delikatno cudnom engleskom koji uveliko doprinosi specificnosti njihovog izraza. Programsko odredjenje dali su nazivom svog prvog albuma - Quiet Is the New Loud, sa kog je singl Toxic Girl. Posle toga, super uspesan album Riot on an Empty Street, prepun divnih mellow hitova, a sada, najnoviji - Declaration of Dependence, koji mi vec prirasta za uvo. Prvi singl i prateci spot - Boat Behind:

Uvodna fotka, omot albuma, omot singla - Åse Holte. Truncica rucno pisanih slova, da zasosi. Love it.

The two Norwegians last named Øye and Bøe, are a band called Kings of Convenience since 1999. I read somewhere that they're some kind of Simon&Garfunkel of our days, and I guess I could agree with that. You must know S&G's Sound of Silence.

The music Kings of Convenience make is a perfect one for a Scandinavian morning anywhere in the world, accompanied by that lovely Kulinara tableware set. Øye and Bøe sing in a delicately strange English and that is what seems to add the specific magic to their songs. They've declared their musical way with the title of their first album - Quiet Is the New Loud, the one that held the beautiful single Toxic Girl. After that, super successful album Riot on an Empty, packed with the lovely mellow hits, and now, there's their latest album called Declaration of Dependence, and it is already growing to my ear. The first single and the clip that follows is for the number Boat Behind.

All the photos by Åse Holte. A little bit of hand lettering to spice it up just a tiny bit. Love it.

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