30. 6. 2009.
SVEZE IZ C&a. Ispisala sam jedan lep logo. Bas je fino pisati francuske reci. Sve ide lako i tecno. Iz jednog poteza.
BRAND NEW FROM C&a. One handlettered logo. It's so fine writing nice French words. Pen goes smoothly, in one thread.
28. 6. 2009.
Palette: DOM
SINOCNO UZIVANJE u jednoj prelepoj zemunskoj zemunici potvrdilo je moju ideju o perfektnom domu.
© Photo David Franck
Iako su mi preozbiljni arhitektonski projekti i groundbreaking dometi strani i sustinski odbojni, u smislu da su odlicni za hvalu i divljenje, ali izazivaju strahopostovanje u kome ne mogu da vidim sebe da zivim, cistoca kojom zraci finalni rezultat - DupliCasa J. Mayer H. Architects je esencija zdrave atmosfere doma za mene. Pretoceno u paletu, to izgleda nekako ovako, belo i crno, nebo i zelenilo, i drvo, ne teksture, laminati i ostale drvolike nalepnice, nego drvo-drvo:
LAST NIGHT'S joy of spending time in a Belgrade's Zemun borough home made me confirm my thoughts on what makes lovely good atmosphered healthy energy home. Even though I'm not that into these stunning groundbreaking architectural projects that need awe and wouldn't let you feel at home, DupliCasa by J. Mayer H. Architects (pictured above) is the very essence of a good clean and clear place for living as I see it. Just like last nights Zemun home. Turned into a palette it would go something like this, black and white, sky and greenery, wood, not textures, laminates and similar wood-like fakes, but the real good feel, warm, beautifully smelling wood.
© Photo David Franck
Iako su mi preozbiljni arhitektonski projekti i groundbreaking dometi strani i sustinski odbojni, u smislu da su odlicni za hvalu i divljenje, ali izazivaju strahopostovanje u kome ne mogu da vidim sebe da zivim, cistoca kojom zraci finalni rezultat - DupliCasa J. Mayer H. Architects je esencija zdrave atmosfere doma za mene. Pretoceno u paletu, to izgleda nekako ovako, belo i crno, nebo i zelenilo, i drvo, ne teksture, laminati i ostale drvolike nalepnice, nego drvo-drvo:
LAST NIGHT'S joy of spending time in a Belgrade's Zemun borough home made me confirm my thoughts on what makes lovely good atmosphered healthy energy home. Even though I'm not that into these stunning groundbreaking architectural projects that need awe and wouldn't let you feel at home, DupliCasa by J. Mayer H. Architects (pictured above) is the very essence of a good clean and clear place for living as I see it. Just like last nights Zemun home. Turned into a palette it would go something like this, black and white, sky and greenery, wood, not textures, laminates and similar wood-like fakes, but the real good feel, warm, beautifully smelling wood.
26. 6. 2009.
KAO STO SAM OBECALA, reinstalirala sam programe i pocela da pravim travel booklete od fotografija sa putovanja. To nisu prezentacije za prijatelje kolege i rodjake, izbor za fejsbuk ili tako nesto, to je licna esencija putovanja, utisak i vodic spread po spread. Ako sam uspela da ucinim da se osecate kao da ste na putu, to je to. JJJ je dobio i svoje mesto u virtuelnom svetu, svoj jednostavni cisti blogspot na kome mozete da listate booklete kako budu izlazili, a hvalicu vam se uskoro i stampanom verzijom. Uzivajte, ovo je prvi prvcijati broj.
JUST AS I PROMISSED, here the first in the stream of my travel booklets. Not standard photo selections for friends, cousins or coleagues, more like the essence of the voyage for me. If you feel like you're on a journey while browsing through JJJ's, that is it. JJJ got it's own blogspot where you can browse though them as they get published and I'm planning to print them also. Enjoy the first issue.
JUST AS I PROMISSED, here the first in the stream of my travel booklets. Not standard photo selections for friends, cousins or coleagues, more like the essence of the voyage for me. If you feel like you're on a journey while browsing through JJJ's, that is it. JJJ got it's own blogspot where you can browse though them as they get published and I'm planning to print them also. Enjoy the first issue.
25. 6. 2009.
24. 6. 2009.
jamie at (my) home
STIGAO MI jamie at home, sve lowercase i sveze plavo. Takva je i knjiga - fina, ugodna, voluminozna a lagana, feels good to hold in your hands, sto bi rekli u The Plant-u, mestu gde su nastale sve ove drvorez ilustracije. A da, i jos jednom Clarendon u glavnoj ulozi!
photos: THE PLANT
Od knjige do knjige art direkcija se ozbiljno menja i uvek je aktuelna i korak dalje u odnosu na sve iz branse. Dzejmi je okupio pravu ekipu, nije to samo pitanje novca, treba imati nos za dobre saradnike. Dzejmijev mega saradnik je i Pearlfisher, koji je izmedju ostalog dizajnirao Nude kozmetiku i Innocent drinks. Za Dzejmija su iskonstruisali novi brend - Jme, donoseci kuhinju iz restorana u dom. Ili bolje reci, vracajuci je. Sve novo, upeglano i cisto sa uplivom rucnog rada. Takav je sada ceo njegov koncept. I knjiga je na toj liniji - prirucno zabavno super funky i izvodljivo bastovanstvo i isto takvo kuvanje. Uz ovu knjigu zilim da batalim sve i postanem domacica. Ok, sve osim foodstylinga, to tek krece (i vristim od srece zbog toga!!! soon, my friends, soon..!)
Anyway, evo kako to sve izgleda, neverovatno mi je da do sada nije stiglo na red ovde na blogicu...
Ovo poslednje je specifican doprinos Marion Deuchars, check her out.
Za kraj samo najzacudnija pakovanja u ovoj liniji koja broji vise od 170 elemenata - cajevi. Cudno fine, ciste, monolitne, zaobljene cinije sa poklopcicem koje podsecaju na urne... or is it just me... Divne su, nekako vazne i dostojanstvene, podsecaju na japanske glazirane bento boxes, verovatno zato sto su u tim bazicnim bojama.
p.s. 1.7.2009. Pearfisher je dobio Zlatnog Lava na kanskom medjunarodnom advertajzing festivalu za dizajn pakovanja Jme. Sjajno, zasluzeno.
23. 6. 2009.
Cuca Sokic Legacy
IZLOZBA CUCE SOKIC u Kuci legata u Knez Mihajlovoj, do 19.7.
Fin cist prostor, belo, crno, drvo, plavo i zeleno, paleta za jedan proper dom, i Cuca Sokic na fotki iz Firence. Kamena terasa i biljke u pravim debelim keramickim saksijama koje dugo cuvaju vlagu. Jos poneki kamen stavite na zemlju oko biljke i ima da peva u vrelim letnjim danima...
CUCA SOKIC'S EXHIBITION in Belgrade's Kuca legata gallery until July 19th.
One nice clear space, white, black, wood, blue, green, palette for a proper home, Cuca Sokic on one old Florence photo. Stone terrace and plants holding those old thick clay pots that keep the plant moist for a long time. Add a stone or two on the soil beside the plant and voila, the plant is jolly and singing in these summer days.
IZLOZBA CUCE SOKIC u Kuci legata u Knez Mihajlovoj, do 19.7.
Fin cist prostor, belo, crno, drvo, plavo i zeleno, paleta za jedan proper dom, i Cuca Sokic na fotki iz Firence. Kamena terasa i biljke u pravim debelim keramickim saksijama koje dugo cuvaju vlagu. Jos poneki kamen stavite na zemlju oko biljke i ima da peva u vrelim letnjim danima...
CUCA SOKIC'S EXHIBITION in Belgrade's Kuca legata gallery until July 19th.
One nice clear space, white, black, wood, blue, green, palette for a proper home, Cuca Sokic on one old Florence photo. Stone terrace and plants holding those old thick clay pots that keep the plant moist for a long time. Add a stone or two on the soil beside the plant and voila, the plant is jolly and singing in these summer days.
22. 6. 2009.
Anna Bond
Anna Bond rucno oslikava i ispisuje vencanja.
I kada cunjate kroz njen ilustratorski portfolio, uzivacete, ali se magija desava u njenim primenjenim radovima, u osmisljavanju vizuelnih identiteta za vencanja. Tu se preplicu ilustracije i slova. Pozivnice, RSVP mikro sajtovi, thank you cards i svi ti divni sareni papiri. Sve te zacinske nebitnoce koje kod nas nisu ni stigle... Kako usko strucno! I izvodljivo samo u americkim opsezima, verovatno.
Predivne stilizacije cveca ocigledno radjene po uzorima iz prirode. Taj nacin uvek daje drugacije rezultate. Divni bozur nezno roze i tamno zeleni i u krajnjoj stilizaciji na lepezi jos uvek imaju isti duh. Kada je iz glave, finalni rezultat je redukovan na drugaciji nacin, filtriran kroz iskustvo ukus i ono sto se ne preispituje. Kada se posmatra i prenosi, uvek se sa zivoscu otkriva nesto novo. Evo i buketa cini mi se slikanog iz glave u headeru za sajt jedne fotografkinje:
... koji zasluzuje paletu:
via ink&post.
thanks to verica.
Anna Bond paints and letters weddings by hand.
You'll be thrilled browsing through her illustrations, but the magic really happens when she makes those colorful wedding stationery. That is where letters intevene with her lovely illos. Wedding invitations, RSVP micro sites, Thank You cards and all those papers that make life taste even prettier. How niche!
Adorable flowers painted from nature obviously. Looking at the flower while painting it gives you a different perspective every time you do it. It is totally different when you paint it out of head. Remeberance, your experience, personal filters and spirit of the moment will derive something different. Here's and example of that, lovely bouquet painted from head. It is so dear that is deserves a palette of its own: see images
I kada cunjate kroz njen ilustratorski portfolio, uzivacete, ali se magija desava u njenim primenjenim radovima, u osmisljavanju vizuelnih identiteta za vencanja. Tu se preplicu ilustracije i slova. Pozivnice, RSVP mikro sajtovi, thank you cards i svi ti divni sareni papiri. Sve te zacinske nebitnoce koje kod nas nisu ni stigle... Kako usko strucno! I izvodljivo samo u americkim opsezima, verovatno.
Predivne stilizacije cveca ocigledno radjene po uzorima iz prirode. Taj nacin uvek daje drugacije rezultate. Divni bozur nezno roze i tamno zeleni i u krajnjoj stilizaciji na lepezi jos uvek imaju isti duh. Kada je iz glave, finalni rezultat je redukovan na drugaciji nacin, filtriran kroz iskustvo ukus i ono sto se ne preispituje. Kada se posmatra i prenosi, uvek se sa zivoscu otkriva nesto novo. Evo i buketa cini mi se slikanog iz glave u headeru za sajt jedne fotografkinje:
... koji zasluzuje paletu:
via ink&post.
thanks to verica.
Anna Bond paints and letters weddings by hand.
You'll be thrilled browsing through her illustrations, but the magic really happens when she makes those colorful wedding stationery. That is where letters intevene with her lovely illos. Wedding invitations, RSVP micro sites, Thank You cards and all those papers that make life taste even prettier. How niche!
Adorable flowers painted from nature obviously. Looking at the flower while painting it gives you a different perspective every time you do it. It is totally different when you paint it out of head. Remeberance, your experience, personal filters and spirit of the moment will derive something different. Here's and example of that, lovely bouquet painted from head. It is so dear that is deserves a palette of its own: see images
21. 6. 2009.
Typo Pretzels
Dragi moji type obsessed people, neko je izgurao ideju da JOS perece treba da imaju i slovno izdanje. I nalazim da je potrebno da mu se ovim putem zahvalim u ime citave tipografske zajednice.
Evo po jednog primerka od slova pronadjenih u jednoj kesici. Ne mogu vam opisati moj shok kada sam se prvo i nasumice uhvatila za slovo "Ž". Dijakritik and all! Pa svi brojevi. I doduse samo par slova: I, J, K, M, E, O/nula, U, i naravno (!?) - Š. Ne svidjaju mi se krivine na Š i Ž, al aj sad da ne teram mak na konac. Volela bih da vidim ceo set karaktera i naravno kao svaki proper letter maker odavde - cirilicu. To bi bilo super sveze i zabavno. Da uce deca slovca dok grickaju perece.
p.s. (months later)
slova koja su u kesici prave slogan UVEK MOZE JOS i to je to. cela abeceda? mnogo sam glupa. mnogo.
My dear type obsessed people, someone here pulled of selling the idea that JOS pretzels should have the letter edition. I'm using this opportunity to give him/her the greatest thanks on behalf of the typographic community.
Here's one of each letter I've found in one bag. I cannot explain how excited I was to see there are the two letters with diacritics - Š i Ž, not that beautifully modeled but still, they're in! Then all the numbers, and a few letters. I'd love to see them all and like a proper letter maker from around here, I'd looove to see the Cyrillic letters inside the bag. That would be super refreshing for Cyrillic concepts we've seen so far. Kids learning the letters while nibbling the pretzels, I say yay!
19. 6. 2009.
Jessica Hische
NAJZAD JE DO MENE stigla informacija koja pojedinacna persona stoji iza svih tih slovnih divota iz Louise Fili produkcije.
photo Commarts
Jessica Hische je njeno ime. Retro amerikana danasnjih dana, plus divni putni promo plakati iz 20-ih, plosno i slojevito sa specificnim ferlaufima koji nepogresivo grade atmosferu. Zrnasto, toplo, sve ucickano bas kako bih ja. Njen porfolio je kao moj dream portfolio. Sve poznato i blisko kao da sam ja radila, besprekorno, ujednaceno u kvalitetu. I mnostvo toga. Najvise mi lezi jer ima taj divan spoj slova i ilustracije. Slova joj znace poznaje ih i voli i koristi ih svojski i na sve strane kao ne samo razvopravan vec najcesce dominantan element u radu.
Evo par favorita, uglavnom sa njenog bloga. Inace, portfolio valja posteno pretabati, gomila za nauciti, inspiracije na galone, umeca, nijansi, zanata, uzivanja, promisljanja...
Ne znam da li je ona za Louise Fili pravila ovaj magicni logo...
...ali ovu pozivnicu svakako jeste. Genijalno. Diskretni zub i bucna nezna slova.
Pa onda, recimo plakati za akciju Udruzenja za prevenciju nasilja nad zivotinjama...
... i divni projekat - 6 naslovnih strana za G Magazine bostonskog Globe-a. Volim ovakvo boostovanje ljubavi prema gradu. Eto meni jos jedne teme za razmisljanje...
I, na kraju samo njena razmisljanja u slovima. slovca i prateci ukrasi. Fino konstruisano u kompjuteru, tako jednostavno, cisto, precizno i meko. Ovako se druzimo i moj kompic i ja.
ah, da - veliko HVALA Verici za link na Dzesikin blog!
I FINALLY and totally by chance got the info who is the person behind a whole bunch of incredibly beautiful project that came out of Louise Fili house.
Jessica Hische is her name. Nowadays retro Americana, plus those gorgeous vintage travel posters dating back in the 20's or something, layers with those specific gradients that create the atmosphere. Grain, warm, just like I'd do it. Her portfolio is like my dream portfolio. Everything impeccable and with the with this constant excelence. Everything so familiar and close to my heart, just like I've been through the process of working on some pieces. What I find the most close to my interests is putting letters in the center of an illustration. She loves letters and uses them in an connoisseur way. Here's a few of my favorites, mainly found on her blog. Her portfolio is also a must see, galons of inspiration, hues, craft, joy...
I'm not really sure if she made this logo at Louise Fili (see image), but she surely made this invitation. Genious. One discreet tooth and those loud and gentle letters (see image). And then a SPCA campaign... (see image) and this lovely project - six different covers for Boston Globe's G Magazine. I love the way it expresses the love to the city. Here's something to think about... (see images) And finally, here letter thoughts. Letters and accompanying ornaments. Finely constructed directly in the computer, so simply, precisely and softly. That's the way I get along with my computer here.
oh yes, one huge THANKS to Verica for the link to Jessica's blog!
photo Commarts
Jessica Hische je njeno ime. Retro amerikana danasnjih dana, plus divni putni promo plakati iz 20-ih, plosno i slojevito sa specificnim ferlaufima koji nepogresivo grade atmosferu. Zrnasto, toplo, sve ucickano bas kako bih ja. Njen porfolio je kao moj dream portfolio. Sve poznato i blisko kao da sam ja radila, besprekorno, ujednaceno u kvalitetu. I mnostvo toga. Najvise mi lezi jer ima taj divan spoj slova i ilustracije. Slova joj znace poznaje ih i voli i koristi ih svojski i na sve strane kao ne samo razvopravan vec najcesce dominantan element u radu.
Evo par favorita, uglavnom sa njenog bloga. Inace, portfolio valja posteno pretabati, gomila za nauciti, inspiracije na galone, umeca, nijansi, zanata, uzivanja, promisljanja...
Ne znam da li je ona za Louise Fili pravila ovaj magicni logo...
...ali ovu pozivnicu svakako jeste. Genijalno. Diskretni zub i bucna nezna slova.
Pa onda, recimo plakati za akciju Udruzenja za prevenciju nasilja nad zivotinjama...
... i divni projekat - 6 naslovnih strana za G Magazine bostonskog Globe-a. Volim ovakvo boostovanje ljubavi prema gradu. Eto meni jos jedne teme za razmisljanje...
I, na kraju samo njena razmisljanja u slovima. slovca i prateci ukrasi. Fino konstruisano u kompjuteru, tako jednostavno, cisto, precizno i meko. Ovako se druzimo i moj kompic i ja.
ah, da - veliko HVALA Verici za link na Dzesikin blog!
I FINALLY and totally by chance got the info who is the person behind a whole bunch of incredibly beautiful project that came out of Louise Fili house.
Jessica Hische is her name. Nowadays retro Americana, plus those gorgeous vintage travel posters dating back in the 20's or something, layers with those specific gradients that create the atmosphere. Grain, warm, just like I'd do it. Her portfolio is like my dream portfolio. Everything impeccable and with the with this constant excelence. Everything so familiar and close to my heart, just like I've been through the process of working on some pieces. What I find the most close to my interests is putting letters in the center of an illustration. She loves letters and uses them in an connoisseur way. Here's a few of my favorites, mainly found on her blog. Her portfolio is also a must see, galons of inspiration, hues, craft, joy...
I'm not really sure if she made this logo at Louise Fili (see image), but she surely made this invitation. Genious. One discreet tooth and those loud and gentle letters (see image). And then a SPCA campaign... (see image) and this lovely project - six different covers for Boston Globe's G Magazine. I love the way it expresses the love to the city. Here's something to think about... (see images) And finally, here letter thoughts. Letters and accompanying ornaments. Finely constructed directly in the computer, so simply, precisely and softly. That's the way I get along with my computer here.
oh yes, one huge THANKS to Verica for the link to Jessica's blog!
18. 6. 2009.
Couleur Atelier
Pogled u atelje koji dele Milica, Miodrag, Marija i Jelena. U Kolarcevoj, u zgradi na nekom spratu, necete ga videti sa ulice. Sklonjen od frke i buke, sve prepuno, sve uredno. I sareno.
Ovako nastaju Milicine Secerleme.
A evo i novih, porcelanskih stvorova koje mozete da kupite vec na sledecoj Modi za poneti, 4 i 5. jula u KC Grad. Ima raznih, ovo je samo slika mog reptilcic premisljanja. Mat i sjajno, linijice, tackice, step ili bez, rupica umesto oka ili samo utisnuta tackica... Oh, the possibilities...
ONE LOOK at the atelier that Milica, Miodrag, Marija and Jelena share. In a hidden Belgrade's dowtown building. You won't see it from the crowded streets. Inside, everything's packed, neat and colorful.
This is how Milica's Shecerlema's (something like Sweeties or Sugarpies) come to life. see image
And here's something new - her porcelain brooches that you'll be able to buy at the next Belgrade handmade crafty show called Moda za poneti (Takeaway Fashion, not official translation) in Grad cultural center. This here is only a part of the collection, me thinking which one to choose... Matte, glossy, combo of the two, stripes, dots, a hole for the eye or just a deboss... Oh, the possibilities...
17. 6. 2009.
My Summer Disco All Time Fav
That album, those moves, the outfit, light and all... And what a joy in this performance and look on his face. One more lesson in work, drive, concentration and letting go. Those butterflies in stomach and the importance of getting them to fly in formation.
15. 6. 2009.
Countryside Weekend
Put pod noge i pravac u nas vikend beg za letnju sezonu. Dunav sirok, zrak mirise, ljudi karakteri. Tamo nije vazno sta je kome struka, koga briga, nismo dosli dotle, imamo pametnijih stvari da pricamo...
Cim na mog sveze servisiranog Toshu Toshibu nabacim CS4, krecem da pravim Travel Booklets. Evo samo par slika da shvatite koliko je sat ipo voznje kolima od Beograda zapravo daleko.
the tune Haustor - Ula Ulala
13. 6. 2009.
Frenchies make letters
A FEW WEEKS AGO, at the Belgrade Design Week, Malika Favre and the Airside crew presented us with this alphabet she made for the current Wallpaper* Sex issue. White skin plus three colors. First, there were Alphabunnies and they evolved to what we're looking at now. Read Malika's story on Airside blog, see the custom banner at W* starring these two girls, and get yourself a print of a single huge letter. Fun, witty, smart, sexy, airy, tickly and chic.
12. 6. 2009.
Isaac's Resort
Soft pinks and pale blues, light yellow, bright canary and pastel neon. Like those macaroons up there. Plus, they're like meant for ultra white skin tones like mine. Isaac Mizrahi has that crazy child-like hype in everything he does... I think his work embodies that sentence by Dr. Rob Gilbert that I love. It says: It's all right to have butterflies in your stomach. Just get them to fly in formation.
11. 6. 2009.
9. 6. 2009.
Jana Water
Evo aktuelne reklame za Jana vodu.
NIJE STO nosi moje ime, to je bila fora kada se u Hrvatskoj pojavila, pa kad je odande donesem u Beograd svi sokirani * ^ _ ^ *. Sada je samo volim jer se ne reklamira nekim posebnim oligo ultra pro something benefitima, flasu koja nije nemarno besmislena, a ni prenapucana i dizajnerski samodovoljna. Ima ta fina jednostavna crvena slova, neki cudan ugodan unicase (font u kome su velika i mala slova iste visine) bistar i citak iz aviona i smesten iznad te lepe sume koja kao da je uzeta sa starih slika jugoslovenskih naivaca iz 50-ih i 60-ih, o tome spremam malu studiju...
A ova nova reklama... u skladu sa svim tim - bistra, promisljena, izvedena perfektno, zanimljiva, za gledanje u dahu, za milion gledanja u dahu. Svez zrak u clutterovanom reklamnom bloku.
NOT BECAUSE it has my name, really it's not that, Jana Water was the thrill for me to have when it first came out in Croatia a few years ago, when I would get it back home and shock everyone carrying this bottle with my name on it. It was super fun * ^ _ ^ *! Now I just love it because it is so simply beautiful, it doesn't use no stupid advertising BS like some special utra super pro something complexes. It is ancient old artesia water packed in this fine bottle not stupidly senseless but not designerish overloaded with selfexposing and selfcontent. Has those fine unicase red letters clean and legible, placed above the nice forest and the pond that looks like it came out of my favorite paintings by famous Yugoslav naive painters from the 60's. I'm preparing some kind of a short study on that topic as a matter of fact...
And the latest commercial... in accordance to that - clear, smart, perfectly executed, the story, direction... interesting to look againg and again, and every time it feels like a single breath. Of fresh air in a cluttered commercial break.
NIJE STO nosi moje ime, to je bila fora kada se u Hrvatskoj pojavila, pa kad je odande donesem u Beograd svi sokirani * ^ _ ^ *. Sada je samo volim jer se ne reklamira nekim posebnim oligo ultra pro something benefitima, flasu koja nije nemarno besmislena, a ni prenapucana i dizajnerski samodovoljna. Ima ta fina jednostavna crvena slova, neki cudan ugodan unicase (font u kome su velika i mala slova iste visine) bistar i citak iz aviona i smesten iznad te lepe sume koja kao da je uzeta sa starih slika jugoslovenskih naivaca iz 50-ih i 60-ih, o tome spremam malu studiju...
A ova nova reklama... u skladu sa svim tim - bistra, promisljena, izvedena perfektno, zanimljiva, za gledanje u dahu, za milion gledanja u dahu. Svez zrak u clutterovanom reklamnom bloku.
NOT BECAUSE it has my name, really it's not that, Jana Water was the thrill for me to have when it first came out in Croatia a few years ago, when I would get it back home and shock everyone carrying this bottle with my name on it. It was super fun * ^ _ ^ *! Now I just love it because it is so simply beautiful, it doesn't use no stupid advertising BS like some special utra super pro something complexes. It is ancient old artesia water packed in this fine bottle not stupidly senseless but not designerish overloaded with selfexposing and selfcontent. Has those fine unicase red letters clean and legible, placed above the nice forest and the pond that looks like it came out of my favorite paintings by famous Yugoslav naive painters from the 60's. I'm preparing some kind of a short study on that topic as a matter of fact...
And the latest commercial... in accordance to that - clear, smart, perfectly executed, the story, direction... interesting to look againg and again, and every time it feels like a single breath. Of fresh air in a cluttered commercial break.
8. 6. 2009.
Rajac Mt. Weekend
It's been one crazy yoga weekend at Rajac mountain, an hour and a half away from Belgrade. All green, cricket choirs, crazy color flowers, tribal trance, 90+ people yoga class, rain+wind, sun+lemonade...
the tune: Good Morning Starshine
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