17. 3. 2009.

Cuca Sokic

TUZNOG 9.1. preminula je i Cuca Sokic. Od sutra cemo moci da vidimo njenu retrospektivnu izlozbu u galeriji RTS-a. Njene divne slike na ivici neprepoznatljivog, mrtve prirode koje kao zenski Morandi u plemenitim flekama lice na isecak grada, obelezile su moje likovno formiranje. Tonovi, odnosi, detalji, povrsine, konstruktivnost i dekonstrukcija bez gubljenja cvrstine, prozracnost i finoca. Vanvremensko slikarstvo.

ON THAT SAD day, January 9th, Cuca Sokic passed away. Starting tomorrow we'll be able to enjoy her retrospective exhibition in RTS Gallery here in Belgrade. Her incredible paintings are on the verge of recognizable, still lives that remind me of some female Morandi, looking like a part of the city's frame in seconds. These paintings of hers marked the beginning of my art education. The hues, relations, details, constructivity and deconstruction without losing the firmness, airiness and finesse. Timeless work.

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