8. 3. 2009.

Ida's Magic

U PROTEKLIH mesec dana mogli smo da uzivamo u velikoj retrospektivnoj izlozbi Ide Ciric u Muzeju primenjene umetnosti.

Plakat koji je izlozbu pratio gotovo je isti kao onaj koji je Ida napravila za svoju izlozbu na istom mestu pre 30 godina.

Kako je do njenog rada jako tesko doci ovo je za mene bila prava festa. Kao kada sam kao klinka dozivela becku prodavnicu slatkisa tik pred katolicki Bozic.

Specifican duh koji nose njene drage zenske majcinske ilustracije dece sa istim nasmejanim licima obelezile su nasa detinjstva nekako tiho i bez previse price. Mnogi koje sam poslala na izlobu bili su iznenadjeni - To je Ida Ciric radila!? Pa ja to znam! To su mi omiljene ilustracije iz detinjstva! Brojna deca lete, veru se, trce, plivaju. Svi imaju ista lica i istovremeno su potpuno razliciti. I svi gledaju pravo u nas, terajuci nas da aktivno ucestvujemo u njihovoj intenzivnoj radosti.

Prastare relikte tvrdo ukoricenih narodnih prica Bas Celik, Laz za opkladu i Devojka cara nadmudrila sa Idinim ilustracijama cuvam kao blago za nasledjivanje. Bas kao i Poletarce, 4 ogromantne knjige koje deluju jos vece kada si mali.

Eh, da sam jos imala priliku da joj pridjem i zahvalim za sve te sarene slike, srafure drecavim flomasterima koje su cinile magicne scene koje i danas u trenutku nepogresivo prizivaju osecaj doma.



DURING THE PAST MONTH we could enjoy the great retrospective exhibition of Ida Ciric's illustrations here in Belgrade's Museum of Applied Art. The poster for the exhibition was the same as the one she made for the exhibition held at the same place exactly 30 years before.

Being so hard to get to her works, this was a true celebration for me. Just like when I visited a candy store in Xmasy Vienna when I was a kid.

The specific atmosphere that her work carries is full of this dear womanly motherly tone depicted on smiling children faces marked our childhoods quietly and with no special fuss. A lot of my friends I sent to see the exhibition were so surprised - Ida Ciric draw these!? I knew these, these are my favorite illos from back when I was a kid! Numerous children flying 'round, running, floating, swimming. They all have the same face but are each different. And they're all looking straight into us making us get involved in their active joy.

I cherish some of the ancient hard bound books with her illustrations talking along with our folk tales. And four big huge books called Poletarac (something like Flapper). These look even bigger when you're a small kid.

If I only had a chance to step to her at the opening and give her my deepest respect
for these colorful images, glowing marker drawings that created magical scenes still impeccably evoking the feeling of home in me.


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