Cigle, beton, meko i rusticno, cisto i slojevito, staro i novo, Grad je pravi smart retreat Kulturnog fronta. Jedinstveno mesto po konceptu, energiji i temelju koji je tu da traje. Tamo mozete popiti postenu tursku kafu, muskom rukom brizljivo priredjenu i serviranu, pronaci svoj coskic za laptopovanje tokom dana, uskoro uzivati u nekoj od izlozbi koje ce se desavati na spratu, u preogromnoj i predivnoj galeriji od 150 kvadrata, sa magicnim revidiranim starim parketom, slozenim kako nikad niste videli. A pogled na reku i Brankov most odozgo i tockove vozova koji prolete tu i tamo odozdo... Sve vise volim Beograd.

There's a new place in or dear city of Belgrade, Serbia. Down by the Sava river, 10 min walk from Sava Danube confluence, in the beautiful 1884 building, Cultural center Grad moved in.
Bricks, concrete, soft and rustic, clean and layered, old and new, Grad is the real new smart retreat by Cultural Front. This place is unique for its concept, energy, its base that is set to last. You can drink a proper black coffee there, made and served by a steady male hand, you'll find your spot for wi-fi surfing, almost always enjoy a fresh new exhibition, lecture every now and then, and a concert, dj set or a lazy jam session almost every evening and night. Upstairs, a big gallery, set in a vast room with the old wooden floors, set like you've never seen it before. And the view overlooking Sava, Branko's bridge and New Belgrade far across, then trains running pass by every now and then... Now I love Belgrade even more.
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