24. 5. 2009.

Senna's JPS

NAJBOLJE STO JE moglo da mi se desi tokom haosa u Noci muzeja je da pobegnem preko reke sa ciljem da kupim Wacom i u TC Usce naletim na bolide. Kad kazem bolide mislim na vozila Formule 1.

Prvi na koji smo naleteli je Senin bolid, crni John Player Special. Vise nego dovoljno. Muz mi kaze da je Sena u Formuli bio ono sto je Nadal sada u tenisu - ozbiljno lozenje koje ide daleko iznad para i trofeja. Zato je prvi.

THE BEST THING that could happen to me during that crazy Night of the Museums is to escape to the other river bank, go to that new mall to buy me a Wacom tablet and run into whole bunch of Formula 1 cars.

The first one we ran into was Ayrton Senna's one, black John Player Special. More than enough. My husband tells me that for Formula 1 Senna was what Nadal is for tennis today - the guy with a serious drive that moves him from the guts, far beyond money and the trophy itself. That's why he's No.1.

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