3. 1. 2010.

Cute bits to freshen up

Dve super zanimljive stvari za pocetak godine.

Prvo - generator odluka za godinu koja je pocela. Evo sta na primer ispadne meni:

via NeonPolish

Tako to ide kada su devojcice programeri, novogodisnje odluke, cupcakes i druge price... Monina Velarde made this.

Drugo, tile pattern Caitlin Keegan, sa viktorijanskim moljcima, beli sa crnim linijskim crtezom i u punom koloru. Plus, ja sam ih preokrenula da mi budu upotrebljivi u mom svetu tamnih desktopa koji emituju manje CO2. tako dobijate i jedan crni sa tamno sivim linijskim crtezom i jedan u boji koja je potonula u tamnocu. Kada se zasitite mog novogodisnjeg paun desktopa evo osvezenja za desktop. I kompjuteru trebaju nove krpice.

For the next beggining, here are two sweet things.
Firstly, Resolution Generator, here's what I got: see image
That is how girls do the web. Monina Velarde made this one.

And secondly, tile pattern by Caitlin Keegan, victorian moths, white bacgroung with the fine black line drawing, and the other one in full color. Plus, I made them fit my less CO2 standards - black background with the dark gray drawing, and the color one dimmed in darkness. When you get fed up with my white peacock desktops, here's another refreshment. Your computer needs new dress, too.

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