14. 1. 2010.

Faar Spirits

Izasao je novi broj Faar magazina. Zakopana u izolaciji i zavrsavajuci veeeliki posao, nemam ni trunku vremena da skocim po svoj primerak.

Editorijal koji sam za sad videla samo online, sam po sebi lep i privlacan, ima dodatnu tezinu. Marina je u kuci Olje Ivanjicki, U ODECI Olje Ivanjicki. Now, gdja Olja sama daleko je od mog senzibiliteta, njena sirina bila je renesansnog tipa. No, nije to bitno, pricam o ovim fotkama.

U osnovi, pojedinacne fotke su jedno, editorijali nesto sasvim drugo. U svakom slucaju se tezi da fotka bude celovita, zaokruzena prica. Editorijal je, pak, kao zbirka kratkih prica. U okviru njega delovi mogu da budu raznorodni a da smisljeno rade svojom razlicitoscu za celinu za koju su predvidjeni. Tako je i sa ovim skupom kratkih prica od kojih ja izdvajam tri. One imaju zajednicku crtu, cudno mistican duh i prisustvo neke tihe glam jeze koja je verovatno podstaknuta skoro potpuno desaturisanom kozom i kosom modela.

Pa onda taj neobicni mish-mash - leopard (nadam se vestacko, a bojim se pravo) krzno, pa svetlucavo LED crevo, pastel kajsijasta sukobljena sa royal deep emerald zelenom, pa antique gold, bronza, plish crveno, hot pink i crne sljokice. Bokeh i pogled pravo u kameru. Posebno istaknuta crno bela devojka kao umetnuta, kao kolaz... malo ledi krv.

Pa haljina, kao od krep papira, spremila se za docek nove godine, ali je citajuci knjigu pred sam polazak prosto zaspala. Na polici, izmedju ostalog, Van Ajk. Glamurozno jezivo, uvlaci u zaledjenost.

Sta li je tema ovog novog Faar-a? Ako je sudeci po ovom editorijalu, mogao bi biti odlican broj, kao onaj sa temom Igra, moj omiljeni do sad.

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model Marina Đorđević (special thnx za fotke, info i magic provided)
styling Ana Ljubinković
foto Vladimir Miladinović Piki

2 igor ^ ¤ ^

The new issue of Faar magazine is out. Stuck here in isolation while finishing a large project I've been working on for quite some time now, I don’t have even just a bit of time to go and grab my copy.

The editorial I saw online only for now, is pretty and attractive as such, it does have an additional weight. Marina is in Olja Ivanjicki’s house, IN Olja Ivanjicki’s CLOTHES. Now, Mrs. Olja herself is far from my sensibility, her ways were of renaissance kind. But, that’s not what’s important, I am talking about these pics.

Basically, single photos are one thing, the editorials are something completely different. In any way, it is a tendency for the photos to be a whole, completed story. The editorial, however, is like a collection of short stories. Within it, the parts can be of different kind still carefully using their differences for the purpose of a whole they are intended for. The same is applied to this collection of short stories, me favoring these three. They all have a common note, a strangely mystical spirit and the presence of some quiet glam chill, most likely triggered by almost completely desaturated skin and hair of the model. see images

And then this unusual mish-mash – leopard (hoping it is artificial, afraid it is real) fur, and the glowing LED pole, pastel peachy confronted with the royal deep emerald green, then antique gold, bronze, plush red, hot pink and black sequins. Bokeh and the look straight to the camera. Particularly emphasized black and white girl, as if inserted, as a collage… sends shivers down your spine. And then the dress, as of crepe paper, did herself up for New Year’s Eve, but whilst reading a book just fell asleep right before it was time to go. On the shelf, among the other stuff, van Eyck. Glamorously creepy, draws into the frozenness.

What is the concept of this new Faar issue? Judging by this editorial, it could be an excellent issue, like the one themed Play, my favorite one so far. I mean - so faar.

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