2. 4. 2010.

New Tradition

Druzina koja se zove Prva srpska fabrika srece priredila je kolekciju od 60 odelca za uskrsnja jaja. Ove folije na sebi imaju detalje starih srpskih ornamenata, u svoj svojoj divoti, boji i sa ponekim zlacanim detaljem.

60 razlicitih ornamenata je po teritoriji podeljeno u 6 kolekcija. Svako od uskih pravougaonih kartonskih pakovanja prepoznatljivo je po boji i jasno se razlikuje od ostalih 5 kolekcija. Moj je jedini problem bio sto nisam mogla da se odlucim, pa sam tako, iako je bilo jasno da necu iskoristiti svih 60, kupila od svakog pakovanja po jedno.

Na sajtu jaje.rs saznacete sve o ovom lepom projektu, odlicnoj ideji i sveobuhvatno pazljivoj realizaciji. Sve je fino osmisljeno, dizajnirano, prezentovano, distribucija odlicna, ja sam svoj paket omota kupila u Merkatorovom hipermarketu, npr.

Na poledjini svakog pakovanja videcete kako izgedanju svi omoti iz kolekcije na jajima, tu je i kratko i jednostavno uputstvo u cetiri slicice.

Unutra, papirni omot sa jednim od ornamenata, wow efekat...

sa unutrasnje strane tog omota, po neka rec o svakom od ornamenata iz kolekcije, odakle potice, iz kog vremena datira... i onda dve slajfne providne folije sa po pet ornamenata. Mislim da mi je ova Moravska kolekcija omiljena, jedina sa tim zlatnim detaljima, stvarno su krasni.

Mada sam i u ovim drugim otkrila neverovatne stvari, neki od ornamenata su me podsetili na Japan... Evo na primer ovaj srednji u desnoj slajfni kolekcije Stara Raska. Kao nekakve japanske lepeze...

... ili ovaj prvi, skroz gornji u desnoj slajfni iz kolekcije Zeta.

Ovo su dakle odelca koja sam odabrala za ovogodisnji Uskrs...

... i evo dva zlacana detalja...

Uglavnom, aplikacija je pero laka kategorija. Skuvate jaja, pustite da se ohlade. Ako zelite mozete i da ih bojite u neku boju mada ja nisam bila sigurna u pokrivnost folije pa sam ostavila neofarbana jaja da bi se boje na omotima sto bolje istakle.

Isecete dakle segment iz kolekcije, obucete ovako jaje, stavite ga u kasiku i na par sekundi potopite u kljucalu vodu. Folija se odmah formira po obliku i velicini jajeta, fascinantno za videti.

Rezultat - meni se jako svidja. Folije se cakle kao kada lukovinom farbana jaja onako nauljite... I to old school farbanje je prava divota, ali evo najzad i jednog u celini lepog novog nacina pripremanja uskrsnjih jaja.

Trk po svoje starinske a fensi fleksi omote, lista prodavnica i sve novosti na profilu USKRSNJEG JAJETA na Facebook-u, ima jos vremena do djoranja.

The crew named First Serbian Manufacture of Happiness prepared a collection of 60 little suits for Easter eggs. These foils have details of old Serbian ornaments on them, in all their wonderfulness, color and with a golden detail here and there.

60 different ornaments is divided into 6 collections based on territories. Each of the packages is distinctive by its color and clearly different than the other 5. My only issue was that I could not make a decision, so thus, although it was clear that I will not use all 60 of them, I bought one of each packages.

At jaje.rs website, you'll find out all about this nice project, excellent idea and all-covered careful realization. All is nicely anticipated, designed, presented, distribution excellent, I bought my package of foils in Meraktor supermarket for example.

On the back of each package, you'll see how all foils from the collection look on eggs, there is also short and simple instruction in four pics.

Inside, paper cover with one of the ornaments, wow effect...

On the inside of this cover, a word or two on each of the ornaments from the collection, where does it come from, what time it dates from...and then two rows of transparent foil with 5 ornaments on each. I think that this Moravska collection is my favorite one, with those golden details, they really are beautiful.

Although I discovered amazing things in the other collections too, some of these ornaments reminded me of Japan...Here for example this middle one in the right row from Stara Raska collection.

Just like some Japanese fans...
...or this first one, all the way up in the right row from Zeta collection.
These are then the little suits I chose for Easter this year...
...and here are two golden details...

Anyways, application is super easy. You boil the eggs, leave them to cool down. If you want you can color them into some color, although I was not sure about the foil coverage, so I left uncolored eggs for the colors on the wrappings to be as distinctive as possible.
So you cut the segment from the collection, dress up the egg like this, put it in the spoon and place it in the boiling water for a couple of seconds. The foil takes the form and the size of the egg right away, fascinating to see.

The result – I like it very much. Foils are glowing just as when you cover the eggs colored in onion peels with oil... That old school eggs coloring is also a true beauty, but here's finally a complete nice new way of preparing Easter eggs.

Quickly go grab your old and fancy flexi foils, the list of stores and all the news at EASTER EGG profile on Facebook, there's still some time left until swapping.

2 коментара:

  1. Hristos voskrese! Srećan uskrs! Sve najbolje!

    P.S. Jaja su jedinstvena :)


  2. Ja sam ih kupila pre par dana i donela u Englesku gde ove godine slavim Uskrs, vrlo jednostavno pripremila najlepsa uskrnja jaja i sve impresionirala... svaka cast kreatorima i srecan Uskrs! Maja


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