26. 2. 2010.

MASTER: Helen Levitt

Helen Levit je njeno ime.

She lived in New York City and remained active as a photographer for nearly 70 years. New York's "visual poet laureate" was notoriously private and publicity shy, sto bi rekli na Wikipediji.

Porede je sa velikanom dokumentarne fotografije, Anrijem Kartije-Bresonom, ali razliku u njenom humoru cini dodatak njujorske ostrice. Kakva radost, ljubav i zadovoljstvo isijava iz njenih fotki! Ja se smejem naglas gledajuci ih.

Plus, zapis Majre Kalman posle susreta sa Helen Levit. (via one piece)
via Janne

Helen Levitt is her name.

She lived in New York City and remained active as a photographer for nearly 70 years. New York's "visual poet laureate" was notoriously private and publicity shy, as they'd say at Wikipedia.

Some would compare her to the great photojournalist Henri Cartier Bresson, but the key difference in their humor is Levitt's NYC sharpness. Her photos radiate this enormous amount of joy, love and happiness! I laugh out loud looking at them.

Plus, Maira Kalman note after meeting Helen. (via one piece)

via Janne

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