... i u iscekivanju novih filmova. Julie&Julia imaju bgd premijeru 19. novembra, a Coco Before Chanel 10. septembra.
Zapravo, kada smo vec kod Odri Totu, a ako zanemarimo predivan stil i lepotu kojom ce nas pretovariti Coco, mislim da bih radije gledala komedijicu Priceless. Nisam ja bas za te mucne zivotne storije o velikim damama... Previse se uzivljavam, suza 'vamo, kleenex tamo. So, iako nije novost, dating back in 2006, here's Priceless trailer:
A plakat, oh plakat, divan na Tifanny nacin, klasik!
... and eager to watch these forthcoming movies. Julie&Julia already playing, and Coco Before Chanel coming up in a month. Style apart, maybe I'm more of a Priceless type, quirky French comedy instead of another great men's or lady's tough life turned into a movie... I get too involved, a tear here, a Kleenex there... So, even though it is far from fresh, dating back in 2006, here's the trailer for Priceless, and a beautiful, beautiful Tiffany-like poster for the movie.
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