27. 11. 2008.

Tomas Kral's Upgrade

SLOVAK KOJI ZIVI u Svajcarskoj svoja znanja iz oblasti industrijskog dizajna spojio sa tradicijom obrade stakla iz rodne grude i kolekciju novonastalu kolekciju nazvao Upgrade.

Obicne staklene flase za mleko i tegle za paradajz sos je tradicionalnim nacinima obrade kristalnog stakla rezbarenjem, brusenjem, pozlatom pretvorio u ovu familiju. Prava mera da imate nesto sto je jedno i stoga vredno a nema onu starinsku tezinu koja tera da prelepi upotrebni predmeti ostanu u vitrini desetlecima...

SLOVAK BORN Swiss living Tomas Kral combined his industrial design knowledge with his native country's tradition in crystal glass production and decoration to make a collection named Upgrade.

Simple common glass milk bottles and tomato sauce jars are turned into a unique family when decorated using
traditional decorative technics for crystal glass like cutting, engraving, gilding. Just the right measure for us to enjoy something that's beautiful and one of a kind with a serious modern twist and just a hint of that old atmosphere that made us awe the object meant for use but kept in cupboards for decades.

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