6. 11. 2008.

Testing Bamboo

STO JE MATERIJAL banalniji, vise me mami da napravim nesto sto valja. Ono sto je istinito uopste ne poteze pitanje izrade. Sve dok sredstva nadvladavaju osobu ostajem uzdrzana i ne dajem komentare. Kada Wacom, cetka, marker, pipeta iz poklopca tusa ili bilo sta drugo postanu nastavak tela, tek tad mozemo da naravimo ono sto imamo u glavi. Odnosno, tek tad se iscisti imamo li ista u glavi. Verovatno se zato neki grcevito drze tehnike, noviteta i mogucnosti.

Wacom Bamboo je igracka ali ni moj posao nije bas hirurgija, pa sam odlucila da se zabavljam bez previse mudrovanja.

THE SILLIER material for work is the more appealing it is to me. I try to make something of it. What is true doesn't make you think of machinery that made it. As long as tech overpowers the person itself I tend to skip the comments. And then, when wacom tablet, a brush or a marker becomes a part of your body, only then you'll be able to make the idea visible. And also, it'll show if you have no idea at all. I guess that's why some people stick to tech issues for quite a long time... novelties, gadgets and possibilities.

Wacom Bamboo is a toy, but I don't see my work as a surgery as well, so I decided to have fun and not think too much about silly stuff.

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