3. 9. 2009.

My N76

JA IMAM specifican odnos prema tehnici en generale. Da se ne uplicem sad u to, here's my celly. Star vise od dve godine, lookin' better than ever. Kada smo prevazisli krizu u kojoj je pretilo da ga zamenim novim svezim tek izaslim telefonom iz kompanije Apple, postali smo jos bolji frendovi.

Ne samo da softver (koji i dalje ni malo ne brlja) pimped inside, kastomajzovan - teme, QR code reader i sve to, sada je i spolja jedinstven. Sa guljenjem gornjeg metalize sloja koji je nesretnim premazon apliciran na inace vise nego solidno kuciste, otisao je NOKIA logo, a isplivala njegova japanska sustina. Tako su sada svi nekada metalik delovi (osim tastature koja je metalna a ne obojena) postali cisto beli, a dugmici za osnovnu navigaciju bez otvaranja telefona providni sa plavim kapsulicama koje u mraku svetle fantasticno kao enterijer japanskog automobila.

Plus, malecki 2GB USB privezak, srecna mackica i velika plasticna masna koja kao da je dosla uz telefon... Obozavam moj N76. To je, pored svega funkcionalnog, za mene portabl dokaz i podsetnik o bliskosti skandinavskog i japanskog pristupa dizajnu.

I HAVE this specific relation to tech things. Not to get into that now, here's my celly. Over two years old, lookin' better than ever.The moment we got over the crisis when the new shiny glowy phone from Apple company threatened to dethrone my N76, we got even better buddies.

Not only that it is pimped inside (and software not making any mistakes), customized, themes, QR code reader and all, it is also polished on the outside according to my needs. When that lousy metallic layer started to peel off, one solid white metal shell that was hiding beneath emerged. Out goes NOKIA logo, in goes his true japanesque core of being. Plus the three buttons with the usual icons for play, pause, stop, are now clear plastic buttons with the blue trasparent foils trapped inside and little white lights shaped like little pills shining from below. In the dark, it looks like the interior of a Japanese car.

Plus, a tiny 2GB USB stick, golden lucky cat and a big glossy black plastic bow that looks like it came with the phone. I love my N76. It is, after all those standardly functional thing, a constant portable reminder of how close Scandinavian and Japanese sense of simplicity in design are.

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