21. 6. 2009.

Typo Pretzels

Dragi moji type obsessed people, neko je izgurao ideju da JOS perece treba da imaju i slovno izdanje. I nalazim da je potrebno da mu se ovim putem zahvalim u ime citave tipografske zajednice.

Evo po jednog primerka od slova pronadjenih u jednoj kesici. Ne mogu vam opisati moj shok kada sam se prvo i nasumice uhvatila za slovo "Ž". Dijakritik and all! Pa svi brojevi. I doduse samo par slova: I, J, K, M, E, O/nula, U, i naravno (!?) - Š. Ne svidjaju mi se krivine na Š i Ž, al aj sad da ne teram mak na konac. Volela bih da vidim ceo set karaktera i naravno kao svaki proper letter maker odavde - cirilicu. To bi bilo super sveze i zabavno. Da uce deca slovca dok grickaju perece.

p.s. (months later)
slova koja su u kesici prave slogan UVEK MOZE JOS i to je to. cela abeceda? mnogo sam glupa. mnogo.

My dear
type obsessed people, someone here pulled of selling the idea that JOS pretzels should have the letter edition. I'm using this opportunity to give him/her the greatest thanks on behalf of the typographic community.

Here's one of each letter I've found in one bag. I cannot explain how excited I was to see there are the two letters with diacritics -
Š i Ž, not that beautifully modeled but still, they're in! Then all the numbers, and a few letters. I'd love to see them all and like a proper letter maker from around here, I'd looove to see the Cyrillic letters inside the bag. That would be super refreshing for Cyrillic concepts we've seen so far. Kids learning the letters while nibbling the pretzels, I say yay!

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