18. 10. 2008.


KADA GLEDAM stare jazz ploce, uvek zamisljam dizajnera koji slusa upravo tu muziku dok dizajnira omot. Tako dobro gadjaju atmosferu. Svaki detalj na svom mestu i doprinosi utisku. Graficka osnova te jazz ere dobro konstruisana i citava kolekcija tih ploca je vredna polaganja u vremensku kapsulu.

Onda se u nekom sledecem izdanju dizajner dosetio da osavremeni ovaj omot. To znaci da, za pocetak poznaje i voli onaj stari, sto moze da bude odlicna polazna tacka, ako mene pitate. E sad, sklonosti i sposobnosti te neke nove osobe naprave ovo ili ono, a onaj ljubicasti crno beli dizajn je dusu dao da sklizne u kich... Da me ne shvatite pogresno, jedna od mojih all time favorite kombinacije je zlatno+belo, ali sa crvenom ruzom i visestrukom niskom laznih bisera... hm, previse je. Da je ruza ostala bela, da bela vrata terase nije zamenio paravan u primacem salonu, osavremenjenje moka aparatom bi bilo prava mera.

Ali ono sto je prevazislo svaku meru je ukidanje secerom ispisanih slova! Daleko su od savrsenih, kicasta su u samoj ideji, lebde nad kompozicijom bez ikakvog smisla ali su tako nekako mila i nesvakidasnja.

I u pripremi nove palete, kako to uvek biva da se namesti, iskrsne projekat Marian Bantjes i Stefana Sagmeistera. Jedno od njegovih, sada vec 20 nacela koje je do sada naucio u zivotu, If I want to explore a new direction professionally, it is helpful to try it out for myself first, izvela je Marian Bantjes praveci slovnu kompoziciju od secera. Bilo je tu nekoliko varijanti, evo ovde samo jedne od njih:

Belo na belom i opsivanje forme senkom, ligature i kratkotrajnost rada koji postoji samo na fotorafijama... svacega tu ima zanimljivog... Plus, proces rada je verovatno bio nesto nalik smirujucem grabuljanju po bazencicu sa peskom u direktorskim kancelarijama, tzv. zen garden.

LOOKING AT old jazz records I always picture designer listening to the music he's packing into this sleeve. That's how the atmosphere depicted is exact. Every detail at it's place. I guess the graphic base is so firm in it's roots the whole collection of old jazz record could be put in the time capsule.

After some time they decided to freshen it up. The new designer knows and loves the old design and that could be a good starting point as far as I'm concerned. But then, what you'll do next is a big issue. The purple black and white sleeve is god given to become some kind of kitchy scene when turned into color. Don't get me wrong, one of my all time favorite color combos is gold+white, but red rose inluded and multiple stings of fake pearls... it's just too much. If the rose remained white and if the white doors to terrace weren't replaced with the cozy lounge paravan, adding this golden coffee brewer would be just the right amount of updating

But the one exact thing was what was over the top. Getting rid of the letters written in sugar. Far from perfect, kitchy in it's roots, floating over the composition they're so dear.

While preparing this new palette, as it always juxtaposes, I came across this work by Marian Bantjes and Stefan Sagmeister. One of SS's things he had learned so far in his life that says If I
want to explore a new direction professionally, it is helpful to try it out for myself first, Marian Bantjes transformed into a composition made of sugar. There were several options to this, and here's only one of them:

see picture

White on white, the forms described by light and shadow, ligatures and the fragilness and briefness of the work that only exists in these photos now... a lot of very interesting points there... Plus the process itself must have been something like that calming process of assebling a unique setting in those small sand pools on executives' desks, named zen garden.

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