12. 10. 2008.


PHOTO: jenn hsu @ flickr

BIRANJE AMERICKOG predsednika je izbor koji zanima ceo svet. Jedina je nevolja non-USA stanovnistva sto se osecaju kao vozaci na suvozackom mestu. Gledas sta se desava a nemas volan u rukama i papucice pod nogama pa se sve vreme drzis za onaj rukohvat pored glave i nogama upires o pod.

Sa one strane nema toliko pokretackih ideja i vrcave individualne ili kolektivne inicijative mimo izbornih stabova. Sa ove strane, pak, sve prsti. Lokalni kafe u SoHo-u u jednostavan beli ram urami naslovnu stranu Rolling Stone-a (za 10-24. jul, 2008) i okaci na divni exposed brick wall. Vise nego dovoljan statement i aktivizam.

Sa svoje strane, preslatka brbljiva quirky blentava Jew girl prototip imena Sarah Silverman, pokrenula je The Great Schlep koji je upravo u toku. Sarah poziva ljude da ovog produzenog vikenda zapucaju na Floridu kod svojih Jew grandparents i prefirganim ucenjivanjem efikasno ih ubede da glasaju za Obamu. Na sajtu se pored kontakta sa drugim schleperima sa kojima se mozete utaliti da se odshlepate zajedno na Floridu, moze pokupiti pdf sa listom kljucnih efektnih zakljucaka i motivisucih sintagmi, da to tako nazovem... Uglavnom, svi koji krenu u ubedjivanje baba i deda delovace kao da znaju o cemu govore. Evo ga promo spot:

USA PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS are the elections that the whole world is interested in or concerned about. The real trouble is that all of the non-USA citizens feel like the driver sitting in co-driver's seat. You're watching what's going on but don't have the steering wheel in your hands and the pedals under your feet so you're grabbing the handle beside your head all the time and pushing the imaginary breaks real hard.

On their side there's no ideas that stir the masses, individual or collective initiatives that reverberate far from the base and that start apart from campaign teams. On our side, on the other hand, it sizzles. SoHo's local cafe frames beautifully clean Rolling Stone (June 10-24th, 2008) cover with Obama on it and hangs it on a plain wonderful exposed brick wall. More that enough of a statement and activism.

On her side, adorable blabmouth quirky Jew girl with a prototype name Sarah Silverman, started The Great Schlep that is happening as I type. She's inviting people to go to their Jew parents to Florida during the Columbus weekend and using some sofisticated and carefully planned agenda convince their grandparent to vote for Obama. You can organize with the other schleppers and schlep together there after you're well prepared and holding the pdf containing the list of, let's say efective conclusions and motivating syntagmas. Anyway, all those heading to Florida this weekend will be well prepared and sounding like they know what they're talking about.

Here's the promo clip:
scroll up

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