26. 1. 2012.

Evolution of Love


Seriju Love koju je za legendarni Lladro dizajnirao duo Committee obožavam od samog njenog nastanka. Videla sam ih u Parizu uživo. Mnogo su veće nego što sam zamišljala!

Uporno ih nesto zaobilazim, ne pišem vam o njima. I onda, iskrsne ova fotka:

Tim Walker za italijanski Vogue. Ne znam da li je sasvim novo ili nešto staro, ali Tim je ovog puta oživeo Lladro Love, u obliku stvarnih ljudi i cetvorostruko nadrealnije u odnosu na vec ethereal figurine. Napravio svoj tejk na ovu temu. Seriju Love čine tri porcelanske figure. Vizija ljubavi koju nam predstavljaju Clare Page i Harry Richardson menja se kroz vreme.

~ Love I ~

The first couple is seen kissing passionately, while their faces and very particularly their eyes are covered with tiny flowers because, as Harry Richardson explains, “the first spark of love can be blinding”. That feeling is also mixed up with the ambiguity and uncertainty surrounding the first encounters between two people.

~ Love 2 ~

 The next couple of lovers appear intertwined with their heads and shoulders utterly cloaked with even more flowers, signifying their intimacy, complicity and absolute preoccupation with each other.

~ Love 3 ~

 Finally, the figurine closing this series shows the two lovers completely covered by over one thousand flowers, with only their faces visible. This is the most mature phase in the existence of a couple, when the two lovers share the same path through life yet are now conscious of the rest of the world.

I jos, ove figurice na sebi imaju najveci broj cvetova, vise nego bilo koje druge figure u istoriji firme Lladro. Povrh toga, svaki cvet je pravljen rucno, laticu po laticu, pa je svaka figura razlicita, unikatna. Upravo zato, a opisujuci adekvatno i rastucu vrednost sve vece ljubavi, figurinala je cena drasticno drugacija. Love I kosta $600, Love II vec $1500, a Love III $7000.

A onda, kada smo vec cacnuli pricu o duetu Committee, evo kako je izgledalo kada je Nowness svratio u njihov studio...

Pročačkajte po njihovom dosadašnjem opusu, pronasla sam tamo novo obozavanje, tirkiznu verziju figurine Curiosity:

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