11. 3. 2010.


Dve reci koje su stabilno dobro kotirane na mojoj minus listi su PITCH i McDONALDS. Ok, i BRAND, ali to sad nije tema. U stvari... nije da nije.

Ne, zapravo ovo je jedan lep post. Pohvalan i podrzavajuci. Amy Moss of Eat Drink Chic je, koliko sam shvatila, ucestvovala na pichu za McDonaldsov prodajni punkt na nedelji mode. I eto kakvu transformaciju su ona i CoolHunter napravili.

Sad, morals aside, oni su napravili divnu transformaciju. Jednom Paul Smith sladoledu verovatno ne bih odolela, ako nista samo zbog cinijice koju bih posle koristila za odlaganje prstenja. Recimo. Mada, i ovaj Hermes pomfrit izgleda marvelous. Za one pacenicke craving days koji dodju dva-tri puta godisnje... Burger no way no how, ali zabavna je ta kombinacija standardnog kartonskog nezdravlja i super poznatog paterna, sa Seletti viljuskom aside i tapaciranom podlogom.

Zapravo, ne znam da li se ovim dize rejting McD-u ili spustaju ove modne marke... A pored toga, McD booth na nedelji mode... hm... jel?

Two words that are strongly well positioned in my minus list are PITCH and McDONALDS. OK, BRAND as well, but that is not the topic now. Actually...now that I think about it.

No, actually this is one nice post. Complimentary and supportive. Amy Moss of Eat Drink Chic, as far as I got it, participated in a pitch for McDonalds' sales booth at fashion week. And there's what kind of transformation her and CoolHunter made.

Now, morals aside, they made a wonderful transformation. I probably would not resist to one Paul Smith ice-cream, if nothing else, only for the little bowl I'd afterwards use to keep the rings in. For example. Although, this Hermes French fries also look marvelous. For those looser craving days coming twice-three times a year... Burger no way no how, but this combination of standard cardboard package of unhealthiness and super familiar pattern is fun, along with Seletti fork aside and upholstered bottom.

Actually, I am not sure if this raises McD rating or downgrades these fashion labels... And besides, McD booth in fashion week... hm... really?

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