27. 8. 2009.

Pagan Poetry

V Magazine Special: dodatak broju 61 na 96 strana.

Tipografsko V u novim, cetkom fljusnutim verzijama. Trunka kaligrafske energije uz sofisticirano divljastvo. Komadine svezeg mesa vesto inkorporirane u neke od fotografija, finih dama sa zivotinjskim pogledima. Kao Marija Antoaneta ljudozderka. Naslov Pagan Poetry apsolutno na mestu. Ove su mi najlepse i, ispostavlja se, najpitomije. Ovde ih je vise. Fotografije Paul Rowland.

I uz novu sirovost adekvatna muzicka pratnja:

V Magazine Special: the 96 page supplement to the issue 61.

Big V appeared in new, brush lettered versions. A dash of calligraphic energy along with the sophisticated savageness. Chunks of raw meat cleverly incorporated into some of the photos showing nice ladies with animal looks in their eyes. Like Marie Antoinette the Cannibal. The title Pagan Poetry absolutely right on spot. These are my favorite, and as it turns out, the most tame ones. Here's some more. Photos by Paul Rowland.

And along with the new roughness, here's the adequate music background. see clip

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