1. 4. 2009.

A bit of Science


CUDNA JE privlacnost sumiranja, lista, tabela... Koliko god puta da naprave liste naj ovoga ili onoga pa, eto i naj fontova ja cu ih pretresti, sloziti se ili ne bas... Evo jos jedne liste, sklopljene od vec postojecih, dole potpisanih i upakovane u nekakav tipo periodni sistem. Samo za mene. Super za desktop, bas kao i klot straightfwd obozavateljski well known Tesla bakropis. Science up your everydays. Uvek mi je trebalo malo uozbiljivanja i sirenja vidika ovakvim mini izletima.

Nauka je kao joga. Fokus i sirina.


IT'S STRANGE, this appeal to summing, lists, tables... No matter how many of these you put before me, I'll consider. Look, thik, agree or not quite. So here's another, list of all time best typefaces, a combination of those signed under this list designed in the form of periodic table of elements. Love that form and need a bit of science in my everydays life to make views a bit more vast. This one's lovely for your desktop wallpaper just like that old Tesla portrait engraving. Good old straightfwd fan move.

So, botom line with this - science is like yoga to me. Focus and broadness.

via TypeStudio

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