Dakle, sta je sve drugacije: najpre BOJA. Sa karamel cokoladnog ferlaufa presli smo na plisano ljubicaste tonove koji idu ka magenti. OBLIK - obliji, slova u njemu se ugodno baskare. SLOVA - i dalje spoj blago smeksanog sanserifa kombinovan je sa izuvijanim potezima, ukusno ublazenog na pocetnom slovu. "o" ostaje cisto sanserifno, bez smene tankih i debelih poteza. "g" fino izbalansirano, ovde okrugli deo dobija smenu poteza i fino se utapa u lepi vertikalni potez sa lepim skracenim zaobljenjem na kraju. "i" je naprotiv dobilo produzetak kovrdzice i svoju pripadajuci tackicu. Za uzvrat je ukinut ZNAK koji je u prethodnoj varijanti cinio tu centralnu krunicu.

Kao sto joga vise nije nikakva tropikalija, nema potrebe za prenaglasavanjem orjentalnog, just a hint je dovoljno. To govori i pakovanje. U novom prociscenijem i kontrolisanijem dizajnu orijent se stapa sa zapadom, pretpostavljam da je to ta globalizacija... Sada vise nema potrebe za bucnim sarama koje su kao kana tetovaze do sada obmotavale pakovanje. Dakle, gore - after, dole - before.

Joga vezbe su i dalje na bocnim stranama kutije, samo se jos pitam sta ce me sacekati sa unutrasnje strane. Do sad sam uzivala u jednobojnoj sari, za nijansu tamnijoj od unutrasnje boje kartona.

scanned by michelle zn
I naravno, sigurna sam da su porukice jos uvek tu, samo jos da vidim kakav su redizajn one dozivele. Evo tri verzije etiketica koje su pratile tri generacije Yogi cajeva. Pretpostavljam da ce sa prelaskom sa Gothama na Rotis Semi Serif Bold na kutiji preci na istu izmenu na etiketicama. Buhuhu. Rotis je pase.

photo credits: prvi red 1, 2, 3, drugi red 1, 2, 3.

OR IN ITS brand new and polished edition - just "Yogi". I'm not sure if I'm supposed to make this announcement, since the official YogiTea web site's unchanged, but I bumped into an army of redesigned packages on Amazon.
So, what's changed: first of all THE COLOR. From caramel choco gradient we're introduced with these plushy purple deep magenta tones. THE SHAPE - more rounded, letters feel pretty comfy in it. THE LETTERS - still a cross between mildly softened sans serif and curvy lines. This curvy one is finer, softer and more sophisticated than before. "o" is still evenly thick with no narrow/wide shifts. "g" finely balanced, the rounded body gets that narrow/wide shift in stroke flow and and merges beautifully into a vertical stroke ending with a lot shorter curvy ending of the letter. "i", contary to the previous got an extention to the end curve and got the dot that belongs to it. In return THE MARK, that central flowery crown is gone.
And just like yoga is not anything strange and there's no need to stress out the oriental, just a hint is enough. The new package speaks in harmony with the new logo. It is more clean and controled, east meets west. Globalization, I guess. No need for loud henna tattoo like ornamets that enwrapped the box until now. So, the before image is below the after image.
Yoga tips are still on the boxes' side, I wonder what is printed inside now, if anything. There was this lovely tapistry-like image till now, printed in one color, one tone darker that the inside paper tone.
And, of course, I'm sure that the wonderous messages are still there, I'm just eager to see how do they look now. Here are tree of the previous versions, designed according to the Yogi Tea generations we've seen so far. I guess they're goint to switch from Gotham to Rotis Semi Serif Bold, just like they did with the boxes. Too bad.
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