19. 10. 2009.


GLEDALI STE Ingloriuos Basterds? Sirom otvorenih ociju i upijajuci sto vise stilskih detalja, nekoliko puta je mi je u vidokrug usetala flasa Perrier-Jouët sampanjca.

Negde tamo, na nekoj polici daleko od prvog plana, cudno je kako se uvek izbori za svoje mesto i preuzme prostoriju. Videla sam je uzivo nekoliko puta kada jos nisam ni znala sta je Perrier-Jouët i svaki put sam bila potpuno omadjijana prisutvom te boce, logoa, tonova, uskladjenoscu elemenata, detalja, cvetovima...

Taj logo ne boh mogla svrstati u omiljene, nije mi ta tipografija skroz po meri, ipak sva ta slova i njihovi odnosi, obgrljena ovim japanskim anemonama... divno je i u dve dimenzije ali ozivi na pravi nacin tek savijeno na boci i u toj velicini.

Iako postoji od 1811, u ovoj ocaravajucoj legendarnoj formi znamo ga od 1902, kada je Emil Gale, art nuvo umetnik i prijatelj kuce, oslikao ovu aplikaciju koja se i danas koristi i znalacki aplicira na sav Perrier-Jouët arsenal. Tako su case naprimer posebno drazesne, fine, tanane i elegantne, kao balon od sapunice koji na trenutak prikuplja penusavac.

Posebno su zanimljive ekstenzije linije, specijalna pakovanja, godisnjice, ogranicene serije. Evo gore detalja koji predstavlja pakovanje od 12 boca (kako dekadentno, ne jedan Perrier-Jouët nego pakovanje od 12! U glavi mi je slika - Kanye West sa ekipom u VIP boksu nekog chic kluba). Ispod jos nekoliko posebnih izdanja - recimo, poklon za magistraturu, idemo na piknik i dizajnerski raj - laserski rezbaren srebrni karton i belo papirno cvece. Ah...

Boce su predivne. I dok su gornje, rasvetane poznate i prepoznatljive, i ove na donjoj slici su krasne, kao njihova muska verzija. Ostrije, preciznije i manje raspevane. Jednako ugladjene i mocne. Plus, ton koji Perrier-Jouët sajt hvata perfektno ce vam docarati "propisanu atmosferu". Evo u tri slike sa sajta po mom izboru, kako bih ja to vizuelno sazela:

YOU'VE WATCHED Ingloriuos Basterds? With my eyes wide open I tried to take up every little detail, and a bottle of Perrier-Jouët champagne waltzed in a few times.

It was somewhere in the room, on some shelf far from the intended center of attention, but it's strange how this magical bottle tends to take over the room. I've seen it a few times when I didn't even know what Perrier-Jouët was and every time I'd be absolutely bedazzled and enchanted by this bottle's presence, it's logo, hues, harmony of the details, and of course, those flowers...

The logo itself wouldn't fit into my favorites per se, not the typography is absolutely to my taste, and yet all those elements and their relations hugged by the Japanese anemones... it's all just adorable in two dimensions, but especially in full size and wrapped around the bottle in full size.

Even the champagne itself dates back in 1811, it is packed in this charming bottle since 1902 when a friend of the house, Art Nouveau artist Emile Galle created the flower which is applied to all the materials connected to Perrier-Jouët since. I adore those glasses, so thin and fine, like a soap bubble containg the liquor for just a moment.

Especially interesting are those extensions, different bottles and various special and limited edition packages. Here's the detail of the 12 bottle pack (How decadent is that, not one, not two or 5, but 12! The image that emerges right away - Kanye West with the homies in the VIP section of a club). And after that a few more of those specials - let's say, graduation gift, let's go to picknik and designer's heaven - laser engraved silver cardboard and a few white paper flowers accompanying. Aah... see images

The bottles are just incredible. While we all now the top ones, the lower ones are also lovely, they like the mascline version of the first. Much sharper, precise, not that whimsy. Equally polished and powerful. Plus, the tone Perrier-Jouët web site captures set the "proper mood". Here's that atmosphere in these three images to my choice: see images

2 коментара:

  1. jano, jesam li ti rekla da si moj design guru?
    redovno citam blogice, super su. u znak zahvalnosti evo jedan divan video:

  2. jao divno, taj spot mi je par ljudi poslalo, kazu podsetio ih ma mene! moram reci da mi godi asocijacija, to apsolutno jeste jedan moj vid. uzivaj u blogicu, nadam se da te necu razocarati!


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