14. 12. 2008.

My Peony Yoga Cards

NAJZAD SAM nasla sekund da sebi napravim joga instruktorske vizitke. Znala sam od pocetka da ce biti na onom perlicastom papiru sto imaju u Byzartu, da ce bozur biti u glavnoj ulozi, da ce EstiloScript biti oficijelni font i da ce coskici biti zaobljeni. Cvet sam nacrtala za pet sekundi gledajuci u neko parcence vintage tkanine.

Ipak, rezultati su me jaaaako obradovali, a narocito kako to lako i brzo bude fizicki proizvedeno. Zapravo sam nekako izvukla najbolje iz digitalne stampe i sve vreme sam razmisljala upravo u tom materijalu, znala sam sta su mi tehnicka ogranicenja, zadati opseg, savladala sam ga i napravila nesto sto prevazilazi obicnu stampanu stvar. Ima dusu, zvuci trulicasto ali je stvarno tako.

A kartice za evidenciju pohadjajucih djaka - isto to samo u drugom kolor kodu. Koliko se utisak promeni, cudo jedno.

I slag na tortu - ekskluzivni pecatic za evidenciju placanja na poledjini kartice joga ucenika. Mali automatski pecat koji sada ide svuda sa mnom. Velicine karmina. Promera nesto vise od 1cm, taman.

Eto, spremila sam i vizitke, sada samo da okupim grupu i krenem sa casovima. Samo.

SO I FINALLY found a sec to design my own yoga instructor's business cards. From the very beginning I knew I'd print these on this pearly paper, that the starring role wound be a peony, that the official font would be EstiloScript and the corners would be rounded. So I drew this flower in no time inspired by this small piece of vintage cloth with a peony print on it.

Even though I knew and planned all of this, I was so surprised when I saw these printed. I got the best of digital print, knew the technical limitations and thought it out keeping all of that in mind. I overpowered the machinery and got these little magical cards. Sound corny but they really are. Magical, not corny.

And then, members' cards - all the same but totally different. The turn made with the new color code. Incredible.

And the ultimate detail - my very own little personal stamp. It is a small automatic stamp, size of a lipstick, very easy to tag along.

There I go, the business cards ready, member cards also, now all I have to do is gather a group of my yoga students and start with the classes. That's all. A piece of cake.

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