16. 9. 2008.


Photo by Joy Smith/Ron Galella Ltd.
JUCE JE IZASAO novi broj NYMag-a. Prica sa naslovne strane je prica o Ronu Galeli, paparacu koji vec decenijama ganja selebritije i koga je Dzeki O. tuzila zbog uhodjenja i gnjavaze, koliko sam shvatila. Covek u pozadini je taj Galeli. Dakle, mozda te mnogo njih saceka ispred kuce, ali samo te Galeli juri po Central Parku. Ovde strpljivo pozira i smesi se, ali fotke nisu uvek zabavne.

S druge strane, Dzeki se smesi i kad je fotografisu na odmoru, u rusticnom eksterijeru sicusnog ostrvca Scorpio pored Lefkade. Izgleda da selebritije ipak ne treba braniti od paparaca...

Anastasselis Polydoros/Gamma via NYTimes

Kad se stavi ovakva tacka, ostaje samo uzdah zbog Grckog sunca, kamene terase sa drvenim stolom sa X nogama i kaskadnog hora bilja u klasicnoj grncariji... I njenog neverovatno jednostavnog i besprekornog outfita sa naslovne strane.


NEW ISSUE of NYMag came out yesterday. Cover story is about Ron Gallela, paparazzo that has been chasing celebrities for decades, and the man who Jackie O. sued for privacy invasion if I picked that up correctly... That's him in the background on the front cover photo. It's clear that there are more than one of them waiting in front of Jackie's place, but he's the only one who will go after her and chasing her through Central Park. She's posing and smiling on this one, but not all photos are not that nice.

On the other hand, Jackie manages to smile even when they're taking her pictures when she's on vacation in a rustic exterior of a tiny isle named Scorpio near Lefkada, Greece. It looks like we don't need to defend celebrities from paparazzos after all...

And after such an conclusion, I'm left with the sigh over beautiful Greek scenery, sun, stone terrace with an X legged wooden table and cascaded choir of plants in classic pottery... And her incredibly simple and impecable outfit from that cover.

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